
Responses from sean

What tube preamp to get to smooth out the sound?????
You never mentioned if you were using the GFP-750 in active or passive mode ??? Since there are sonic differences between the two modes, clarifying this may also help you out in the long run. Sean>PS... Not ALL tube pieces are "warm, smooth &am... 
Speakers recommendations when placement is an issue
Dunlavy's need wide spacing and the listener to be seated some distance back from them to work best. This is true of ANY speaker with a large space between multiple drivers as they need time / distance to blend together and "focus". I do agree tha... 
Passive VS Active crossover-What s the difference s
Another benefit to actively crossing over is that amplifier efficiency is DRASTICALLY increased. Since there are no passive parts to "suck up" and waste power between the amp and speaker, the system can play louder with less work on the amps' part... 
How can I make my own acoustic materials?
I agree that some "tweaks" are outrageously priced. Keep in mind that even though you might be able to go out and pick up all of that stuff mentioned for about the same price, you STILL might not be hearing what your system (especially your cables... 
Passive Stage preamp vs Active Stage Preamp
I'm pretty much with Albert on this one. While i haven't played with a LOT of passives ( a few ), i have always had better results with an active unit. Don't know the specifics as to why, as i've tried TONS of various cables, source / amplifier co... 
Better Speaker Cables for Apogee Ribbons
Famaraca, try emailing Nelson and see what he has to say. He is very familiar with the reactance involved with E-stat's as he used to run them himself. In the meantime, You can find some interesting yet technical reading on his site ( www.passlabs... 
How can I make my own acoustic materials?
Here's a few things to take into consideration: First of all, Jon works for a major corporation that designs sound gear that is used by professional musicians, recording studios, pro sound reinforcement and "hobbyist" musicians. As such, he has ac... 
Sony 9000ES mods
Before sending your gear to anybody, you might want to do some investigating on your own. Before having someone "tear into" something that i owned, i would first want to find out:1) How long they have been modifying gear professionally ?2) What is... 
How to wire a powerful amp with two speakers to avoid damage
Speakers or their internal components are typically damaged from either being WAY underpowered or WAY overpowered. As such, using them under normal listening conditions will probably not harm them in the least. Even though the amps are capable of ... 
How can I make my own acoustic materials?
Psychicanimal, i have nothing to gain by promoting or belittling either Jon Risch or Steve Deckert. Both are making a valiant attempt to help people out. One does it by sharing his knowledge, designs and offering advice / guidance for free while t... 
laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs
I forgot about Tara's and some of the Audioquest's might also work. A lot of it will boil down to being system dependent, personal taste and budget. Thanks to Jonathan ( Jtinn ) for suggesting Jena Labs. I've heard / read about their stuff but nev... 
monitor w/ bass?
Check out the Castle line of speakers. They make a small two way that sells for about $5 - 600 that sounds quite nice and amazingly full for its' size. Unfortunately, i can't recall the exact model name that i was thinking of. This might be TOO CH... 
laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs
The first commercial cable that comes to mind fitting your description would be Cardas. Sean> 
How can I make my own acoustic materials?
If i remember correctly, someone on the Asylum did a "shoot-out" by setting up a room following Jon Risch's directions and then using Steve Deckert's directions. They brought in a varied group of "local audiophiles" and listened to both groups. Th... 
Pipedream Knockoff Project
E, try checking out the Madisound speaker forum. There were quite a few guys building some "el cheapo" line arrays using some very inexpensive drivers from MCM. I'm sure that they would be willing to share what they know about the subject. Sean>