
Responses from sean

U.S. Postal Service mail delays
You are not in this alone. I sent Lorne Cherry ( in Canada ) some cables a quite while back and they've never shown up yet. Those have probably gone the way of the wind. Then there was a remote control that was shipped to me. The seller, who lives... 
How can I tell if I need more power?
I hear ya about the power Kelly ( aka "the Cornfed Kid" when out robbing banks and old time trains ). As many of you know, i am a BIG fan of "too much is not enough" when it comes to power. For the record, my HT system is rated at 6400 watts RMS, ... 
Odyssey Amp Overkill ?
Forget about prices, brand names, good or bad reviews, etc... If you like it and it sounds good to you long term, etc... that is ALL that counts. Sean> 
Passive Preamps: Jumping Ship
Good for you Derek. I know that you've made more than your fair share of purchases trying to get there : )I tried a few different passives and always thought that the signal lacked warmth, body, dynamics, slam, etc... Sure, the midrange was "see t... 
How can I tell if I need more power?
Dwpc, please don't take this the wrong way. With that in mind, here goes:Your current system is equivalent to owning a high performance muscle or sports car and filling up with watered down 87 octane from "Joe's Gas & Go". While it will get yo... 
DCM Time Windows
Was the "dope" made in reference to "drugs" or the people that lived there ? : ) Sean> 
zobal networks ?
I completely agree with the above post now that we understand where each other is coming from. For what some of these products cost, there should be NO cost cutting or "oversights" at all. Then again, MOST of the profit on these items is NOT made ... 
Anyone read the recent Stereophile article on cables?
The "nominal" or "characteristic" impedance of a cable will vary with frequency. This is a VERY different measurement than "series resistance" that one could measure with a multimeter. Taking "worthwhile" measurements on cables requires some expen... 
zobal networks ?
Ehider, your comments about Stan understanding how various gain stages of an amp are affected and Dunlavy ( along with other speaker designers ) "dropping the ball" cracked me up to say the least. Anyone that knows about Dunlavy's background and p... 
Why does my computer sound better than my CD player?
While i don't know about the 500, i know that Listener magazine REALLY liked one of their earlier models. They basically said that it was "THEE" budget cd player to beat. Sean 
zobal networks ?
Due to mass confusion (!!!), Stan Warren's number was deleted. In case someone wants to contact him, he can typically be reached at (541) 344-3696 in the evenings. Sean>  
Anyone read the recent Stereophile article on cables?
Thanks guys. I had a chance to look at it briefly before leaving for a wedding today ( another poor sap bit the dust ). I found this quite interesting to say the least. I tried discussing this with John Curl, Jon Risch, John Dunlavy, etc... and so... 
Anyone read the recent Stereophile article on cables?
How about pointing out what issue and the author ? Doesn't ring any bells to me but i would like to see what they had to say. Sean> 
Bel..AVo 200.2, Musical Fidelity A3cr, YBA 2hc, Pass X150
Why single out the Pass as being "high priced" ? The only amp that i would consider "relatively" inexpensive out of that bunch would be the MF. The Bel Canto is "mid priced" and the YBA and Pass are neck and neck ( in terms of price ) and starting... 
Any one want a laugh????
Ezmerelda and Ohlala, i was waiting for someone to bring up Cerwin Vega / Klipsch, etc... type systems. Outside of some esoteric horn based systems, i stand by my statements. the MASS majority of systems won't come close to supporting 120 db's in ...