
Responses from sean

Pure Power
Unsound, that would depend on the batteries and amount of draw upon them. The use of deep cycle batteries would allow longer than normal use without the need for charging quite as frequently. Then again, batteries of high surge capabilities ( such... 
What about dips in power???
This is the very reason that many people are going to such things as the PS Power Plant's and Monster power regulators. Both maintain steady voltages so long as power remains above a specific level. Obviously, there is a point that these devices w... 
Pure Power
While i have a great amount of respect for the engineering capabilities and products of Studer / ReVox, i have yet to see an inverter that did not produce a GOB of interference. Nor have the ones that i've looked at produced a very "clean" sine wa... 
Audiogoners, I love you........
Kevziek, i look at it this way: If i run my mouth ( or keyboard in this case ) often enough, something that makes sense is bound to come out sooner or later. I'm just glad that you folks haven't strung me up and stoned me yet : ) Sean> 
Weird Bass Reponse on my Speakers.
Follow this link. It is a step by step program on how to correct the frequency response irregularities of your analogue RS SPL meter. I have done this to a few meters and it works MUCH better. Combine this with using a higher grade external electr... 
Ideas for shipping vinyl??
Try contacting Audiogon member "Hellerfi". He has sold many, many, many LP's and shipped via USPS. I'm sure that he'd be glad to help you out. Maybe he'll see this thread and respond here. Sean> 
Vandersteen Mod 5 vs Coincident Tech Total Eclipse
Touching on some of the other comments, the Vandy's ( or is it "Vandie's" ??? ) offer in-room tuning of the low frequency section. This this is probably one of the hardest areas to get "right" in any installation, i would rank this feature quite h... 
Cat 5 cable for audio?
Those thinking about using Chris VH's 27 pair braided CAT 5 speaker wire design should be made aware that this is a high capacitance design. As such, it can send some amps into oscillation. If using anything more than just a very few feet of cable... 
Speaker placement along the long wall
Obviously, this type of situation would be pretty speaker dependent. Having said that, i tend to prefer setting up speakers on the long wall if possible. More direct sound with less side-wall reflections taking place produces a very vivid soundsta... 
Audiogoners, I love you........
I have to second Kevziek's comments. While i frequent a few other audio forums, this one feels the most like "home" to me. This is probably because of the great people that make up our "family" and community. To all of those that have helped me in... 
Rectifying bridge.
Bear, Thanks for the info about the fast recovery type adding noise. What about Hexfred's vs Schottky's for an SS preamp or power amp ? Sean> 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
Twl: Please forgive me for doing my impersonation of Sgt Joe Friday i.e. "Just the facts" : ) Sean> 
High Sensitvity = good transient response ?
Twl, have you ever looked at the distortion levels of many "nice" sounding tube amps as power increases ? The distortion curves vs power output are not very linear to say the least. A good example of this can be found in a earlier review of a BAT ... 
Why do my albums sound better at the end???
My thoughts tend to run in the same direction that SF and Viridian have already voiced. Out of curiosity though, are you using a record clamp ? What type of platter mat are you using ? Sean> 
Maggie 3.6 amplification concern
I don't know how the Z-man works and these comments are not meant to pass judgement on that device. However, the Musical Fidelity X-10D is a device that is designed to add even order harmonic distortion to the signal. This is done via the use of a...