
Responses from sean

Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?
Just to clarify things, the "Apogee mod" is the slang term that Sunfire uses for the mods that they do to their amps to better deal with very tough to drive, low impedance, low sensitivity speakers. Since Apogee's are the "ultimate" in terms of "l... 
Do you own the last amp you'll ever buy?
I seriously doubt it. Sean> 
Will storing used speakers for 1 year damage it?
What if Tyroneco is moving to Siberia ? Not much to choose from out in the wilderness ? : ) Sean> 
alon II or Vandersteen 2ce how do they compare?
For some reason, Vandies produce a "nose-dive effect" at high frequencies for most any amp connected to them. As such, they tend to sound slightly tilted towards warmth in tonal balance and lack "apparent" upper frequency detail. Most of this is p... 
Which basic amps can drive 1 ohm loads ?
There was a guy here on Audiogon that was running Perreaux PMF-2150's in bridged mode to drive Apogee's. I can't remember who it was, but that is one helluva testimony to the ruggedness / reliability of the Perreaux. In bridged mode, the amps were... 
Grounding My Equipment
All of your equipment shares a common ground through the interconnects. Adding another wire from component to component probably won't do much for you other than create more of a mess. The only way that this might help was if all of your equipment... 
CD and DVD are history?
Don't worry about it. I've seen the future and so have most of you. That is, when you watch movies set WAY in the future, what are they listening to ? That's right, "antique" vinyl : ) Sean> 
Is a cable cooker worth it?
Gbmcleod: There are differences in various "cable burners". I've read / communicated with a few people that have had poor experiences with specific models and been happy with others. If in doubt about a specific combo, consult the manufacturer and... 
looking for best isolation platform for CD player
No such thing as isolation ? There is no such thing as "complete draining of energy through increased coupling" either. There are obviously varying degrees of both isolation and coupling. To deny that neither works nor exists is not very realistic... 
Tweeter below mid-woofer
What i was asking was "are you doing anything to reduce the tweeter from trying to reproduce notes outside of the usable bandwidth for that individual driver" ? If so, what approach are you using i.e. passive or active crossovers ? If you are not ... 
Physical explanation of amp's break in?
I have no experience with the Lightstar II. I've been told that the Lightstar amps "might" be slightly more transparent sounding than the Sunfire's but with very similar circuitry. This was told to me by an employee of Sunfire.As far as your comme... 
Physical explanation of amp's break in?
Until i can get people to stop putting words in my mouth, I'll never be able to get out of this thread : )Let's clear things up here. I never said that i discounted a College ( or any other type of formal ) education. I have a great amount of resp... 
looking for best isolation platform for CD player
The system that Nrchy is refering to was devised by Joe Lavrencik, a member of the Chicago Audio Society. I'll try and contact Joe and see if he can contribute to this thread and / or at least provide a way for the public to contact him. As far as... 
Tweeter below mid-woofer
Marakanetz: When "auditioning" various tweeters, what do you do about the tweeter trying to reproduce out of band information ? Sean> 
TT drive belt comparison
A wider tape or drive material should:1) spread out the vibrational load introduced to the platter that originated with the motor in a more consistent manner2) help to damp air or platter-borne vibrations due to the increased contact area of the t...