
Responses from sean

Capacitors: Who is Right? What ages them faster?
Aball: Celsius is for use by "fureners", not us folks here in the USA : ) Sean> 
Marchand Audio
Don't try using the Marchand Basis with a vented design. It is intended for use with acoustic suspsension or infinite baffle designs only. As a side note, using a device such as this will require GOBS of power. If you don't have that available, th... 
Capacitors: Who is Right? What ages them faster?
Kevziek: While the heatsinks and output devices will obviously get hotter than anything else, the ambient temperature inside of the amp is also raised as the amp comes up to temperature. I'm not claiming that ANY amp runs the caps too hot, because... 
I'll have a Britney with that Taco.
Lokie: I'm not touching that ( even though i'd like to ) Sean>: ) 
Questions about Toslink's
El: The splitter / switchbox is now a moot point. I just looked at the device that i was trying to hook up and it has four different digital inputs ( two coax, two optical ) that are switch selectable from the device itself. Can't ask for more tha... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Bomarc: Please clarify your position so that i and the rest of us may better understand where i went wrong.Aboldor: Thanks for posting that link. My thoughts on Nelson's response are relatively mixed. While i had no doubt in my mind that they woul... 
Capacitors: Who is Right? What ages them faster?
Kevziek: Most of Nelson Pass' amps are of a high bias design and run hot. Leaving them on exposes the caps to a greater amount of heat, so they will end up "cooking" themselves and drying out. Then again, if one turns the amp off and on as needed,... 
I'll have a Britney with that Taco.
YOW !!! This place is looking more like AA than Agon with responses like these : ) Sean> 
Questions about Toslink's
El: Splitters end up in signal loss no matter what you do. I wanted to avoid that if at all possible. Sogood: That appears to be a very handy device. I'll have to keep that one in mind for future reference. It looks like a very handy device to say... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Bomarc: While i can appreciate and somewhat agree with your comments, it appears that you still seem to believe that all amps "load up" or respond the same into every type of conceivable impedance presented by various speakers. Such is not the cas... 
I'll have a Britney with that Taco.
That's a good point Mwilson. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I don't know how i overlooked that, as i am an avid "recycler". Glad these forums provide a public "check & balance" via open participation. Sean> 
I'll have a Britney with that Taco.
Sounds like someone is going to make a LOT of money because they know how to market products that are both convenient and reasonably priced. Now all we have to worry about is whether Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Dr Pepper, etc... works best to treat... 
OK, I said it...
Viridian: The Stanton 881S also uses a "brush" or "dynamic stabilizer". Not only is it more linear than the Shure in terms of frequency response when properly loaded, it will out-track it with less distortion. Shure's typically have a problem with... 
Need more info on the Electron Kinetics Eagle-7A
Rwd: Hogging this thread ? It's YOUR thread !!! : )As to your problem fixing itself, that is simple. Your 3150 overheard you discussing it being replaced, so it decided to straighten up and fly right. This is common practice for electronics when t... 
apparant pitch instability
Be careful with downloadable strobe disc's as some printers may not be as exact as you think they are. Counting on a strobe that wasn't accurate would be like building a house with a yardstick that wasn't quite a yard long. Sean>