
Responses from sean

Where 2 sit audio quiz
I'm not responding until Rives posts his answers. Then i'll let him know if he is right : )The rankings below are rated from best to worst in descending order.Broadband frequency response linearity1) C2) A3) B ( WAY behind the others )Most solid, ... 
Mods for a PS Audio HCA-2?
There's a gentleman that frequents both AA and Agon that has performed several different mods to his HCA-2. According to what he's stated, the amp responds very well to some basic mods. I'm sure he'll chime in once he sees this post. If not, i'll ... 
comments/questions/ suggestions for Agon
That's a good point about Photogon, but quite honestly, i DO think that audio and video blend together a LOT more than audio and camera's. While one could say that the camera's are what people use to make the video's that blend with audio, that wo... 
Inactive speakers...some measurements
PR's have the slowest transient response of any vented design that i'm aware of. Just like a port, they also contribute energy outside of their resonant frequency, but do so in different manner. Rather than having to move air through a tube and ha... 
charging tax in Classified Ads??
From what i've been told, many States are working on or have enacted various taxes having to do with interstate transactions. Due to the massive increase in out of State transactions brought upon by the internet and mail order businesses, they are... 
Inactive speakers...some measurements
You're missing the point. Not only are the non-driven speakers being excited, they are re-radiating the energy that they absorb out of phase. Depending on the suspension of the drivers and spl's in the room itself, the amount of excitation and re-... 
Interconnects:Dazed and Confused
Good advice from the "seasoned audiophiles" above. I would only add that as a neophyte, it is easy to confuse "different" as being "better". As such, the advice to become familiar with what is taking place is very important. Many folks mistake "hi... 
looking for a warm ss amp....
Unsound: If you want to run Monarchy's with any type of a low impedance / reactive load, you really should spring for the higher current models. They currently have a more potent hybrid model that has gotten very good reviews. As to the B&K's,... 
Wait a Minute Do those Cardas Caps Work
El: Due to variances in circuit design, especially with a high gain circuit like a phono stage, it is possible for a preamp to go into oscillation with a dead short at the input. Resistive shunts basically close the circuit and any "foreign signal... 
looking for a warm ss amp....
Mwilson: The earlier B&K amps were noticeably warm and smooth. The later models, which made of four numbers in the model name rather than three, are noticeably brighter sounding. Not near as bright as some others, but brighter than their older... 
Help Needed Power Amp lacks punch
Big power helps, but the quality of the power is more important. I have seen 75 wpc amps absolutely stomp 250 wpc amps in terms of "punch" and ability to drive difficult loads. As such, i would avoid all makes / models that you mentioned short of ... 
Professional Calibration Question
While a "pro" may have a good sense of "go / no go", the results that he achieves will not be able to be duplicated by you or anyone else. As such, if you trust him enough to pay him to do this, you should record where all of the settings end up a... 
Wait a Minute Do those Cardas Caps Work
How about combining Elizabeth's idea with that of Dave's or Hepl's ? Put a tiny square of aluminum foil up against the backside of the female RCA and slowly push the plastic cap over the jack. This will "form-fit" the foil and no need for tape. Mu... 
Incredible CD sound for $1500??
While i agree with Audioengr as a general rule, Golden Ears has a point. Some folks are nothing more than parts swappers and they aren't even good at doing that. As such, you better know who you are dealing with when having someone "gut" your baby... 
Help Needed Power Amp lacks punch
Kgveteran: The 555's were bipolar amps, hence my comments above.Sugarbrie: While your basic suggestions are good ( heavier gauge cord directly into the wall ), "dirty" AC typically sounds "fuller" than clean AC on the bottom end and harder / gritt...