
Responses from sean

Where 2 sit audio quiz
Aargon: Found the thread that i posted a basic and relatively universal speaker set up method in. It it just so happens that Rooze started that one too : )Look for a thread of his entitled "problems with Maggie 3.6's" or something to that effect. ... 
Mods for a PS Audio HCA-2?
I agree with Fiddler. The Marantz is probably on the noticeably warm and soft side i.e. thick and dull sounding. Working with interconnects and power cables may correct some of this, but short of modifying the Marantz, you may be stuck with that s... 
Will tube amp give more of an analog sound to CD's
My guess is that your CD player is not up to snuff. No need to seek euphonic colouration if the source and / or DAC are well designed using good quality parts. There are more than a few SS digital front ends ( players and / or DAC's ) that can do ... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
I did a post not that long ago giving a brief run-down on the method that i generally use for setting up speakers. It is somewhat of a universal approach that works regardless of room or speaker size and takes into account tonal balance and sounds... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
This is strictly a guess, so take it for what it is worth.My "guess" is that the reflection from the back wave of your Maggies is "colliding" with the front wave at these distances. As such, you're experiencing out of phase cancellation, reducing ... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
Rives: I hope that you don't take this as a personal attack, only an open discussion of differing points of view. I assume that Rooze basically took these readings walking away from the speakers in a straight line in what would be termed the "swee... 
Back into vinyl - part 1
You are smart in not mentioning names. It appears that Agon has taken to censoring posts that are not complimentary or attack the reputation of any manufacturer, even if said information is valid and / or verifiable. As Twl stated, i too am intere... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
Rives: I'm sorry if i misinterpreted your comments, but i still don't agree with your clarification presented here. Due to the fact that all drivers "beam" or alter their radiation pattern as frequency is raised, one is bound to encounter varying ... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
KKursula: low frequency characteristics of different instruments vary depending on how they are tuned and the manner that they are being played. I have heard large drums sound phenomenally tight and impactful with great "slam". I have also heard t... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
While i didn't present all of the figures involved in coming up with the conclusions that i did, C and A are quite close when looking at the big picture with B being off in left field ( no offense to left fielders : ) If going strictly by the figu... 
Where 2 sit audio quiz
Rooze: I would not insert a resistor into the tweeter section until you address the primary points of reflection. If you do that and things are still too "hot" sounding, then go the resistor approach. As far as bass goes, Newbee has a point. That ... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Jayctoy: I try to speak in understandable terms, but to someone that is less technically minded, i'm sure a lot of it sounds like "Babylon" i.e. "babble-on". Then again, i do make a concerted effort to try and explain things that are more technica... 
Carver Pro ZR1600
El: I've got over 1400 wpc rms driving some 86 dB 4 ohm speakers. I don't know how your maggies would respond, but i know that this is how i was finally able to get my speakers to sing. I know that Mike aka Magnetar over on AA was using Classe' M7... 
Inactive speakers...some measurements
I agree that watching the cones on a woofer / PR system can be pretty interesting. If you have two woofers with a passive ( like Polk 10's, 12's, etc... ), it almost seems like the woofers themselves are out of phase with each other. As a side not... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Jayctoy: I am looking for "musical accuracy". This means that i want a system that is truthful to the sound of instruments and voices as heard live. In order to do this, you need high levels of accuracy, both in the equipment and in the recording....