
Responses from sean

Break-in procedure
Drubin: Some drivers do not have the same excursion capacity in both directions. It is therefore possible to increase the potential for a driver bottoming out when running it in reverse polarity. Due to the initial thrust, which would normally be ... 
Would Audiogoners be interested in this?
Great idea Ben. Sean> 
rebiasing from 4 to 8 ohms?
El: You better do some reading on the subject other than theory found in textbooks. Not only do the tubes see different loads at the various taps, the speakers see a different source impedance. When all is said and done, they are all inter-acting ... 
Sistrum or Neuance or...?
Jayboard: Your post wreaks of logic. Logic has no place in this thread or in the purchase of audio / audio support componentry. That is, at least according to some. Please don't stir the pot any more and let this thread die a peaceful death. Sean> 
Seperates or Receiver on a Budget
I know that this is going to upset quite a few folks that think that they have tall cash tied up in their HT system, but for that kind of money, NO receivers. NOT optional. Buy used separates. Most receivers, even the expensive ones, are built lik... 
Is there a SS amp that can offer tube bliss?
What do tube amps sound like? I've heard Cary's, i've heard Audio Research and i've heard Atma-sphere's, etc.... All are tube amps but they sound NOTHING alike. Each has their own merits and run tubes, but classifying them together as sounding the... 
Break-in procedure
I would NOT wire one speaker with reverse polarity from the other and then face them at each other to help break them in. This works the one speaker's suspension in the normal manner that it would be used while the other speaker is working exactly... 
What effect will multiple choice OHM outs Have ?
This one you'll have to try and see for yourself. Some amps vary DRASTICALLY with their various impedance taps and the loads placed upon them by differing speakers. From an electrical standpoint, you would normally want to pick the tap that best m... 
Power cord length and monoblocks
Even with a cord that uses specific geometry and tuning, i would not consider this critical. What i would consider critical is the difference in ground potential when tying into two or more different circuits / outlets. Many people have all of the... 
Smooth sounding DAC?
Since i seem to be getting on so many people's nerves by commenting on specific products, i'm going to stick to making general comments and technical explanations. The less i say, the better off everybody else will be. As a side note, the original... 
Smooth sounding DAC?
Tvad: I found solid state DAC's that offered all of the benefits of the tubed DAC's but with even greater speed, dimensionality and control. As such, i moved onto the next level. Having said that, most tubed gear sounds much better than most budge... 
I have a confession to make
Stop reading audio websites and magazines and start listening to some tunes while working on optimizing what you have. Most people spend, spend, spend in search of the things that they are looking for yet most of the results that they desire can b... 
rebiasing from 4 to 8 ohms?
El: The isolating and impedance coupling benefits of output transformers only work in theory, not reality. Since there are no speakers / drivers made that maintain a consistent impedance and level of reactance across the audible range of operation... 
2,000-2,500 speakers
Vandy's and Thiel's sound quite different from each other even though they share some similar design strategies. Personally, i think that the Vandy 3's would be the best of those mentioned with the gear that you're running, but that is a matter of... 
WAF, Help, Need Strategy
Julie aka Jabenso had a wonderful response. On top of that, believe me, there will be times that she wants to watch tv or a movie and you will want to listen to music. Separate the systems for both sonic and sanity reasons. You won't be sorry for ...