
Responses from sean

One big subwoofer or two weaker subwoofers?
Mavilla: Try filling the interior volume of the sub with a varied density of foam ( or polyester fiberfil as a second choice ) and turning the crossover point as low or almost as low as it will go. This should get you a lot closer to something mus... 
Stereophile confirms new gear is getting worse....
Joe wasn't saying that the NAD was sonically equivalent or better than any of the "fancy" brands mentioned. What he was saying was that it was a comptetently designed product that was versatile enough to work with whatever load that you threw at i... 
A rocking tube amp & speaker combo?
Contrary to popular belief, La Scala's work best with a pretty good amount of power behind them. My guess that the "nasty" sounds that you're hearing when trying to throttle the system is coming from your amp getting dirty and the horn bodies ring... 
What do you think of my system?
While i have no idea as to what you're using for cabling or how live / dead the room is, i would think that the Rotel gear and Monitor speakers that you've chosen would compliment each other pretty well. The Monitor's tend to be slightly down in o... 
Question re Celtic/Irish/Chieftains music
How could a thread about "Celtic" / "Irish" influenced music not include at least a mention of The Pogues ?!?!?! Not exactly as mellow as the The Chieftains, but highly enjoyable none the less. If you don't mind knockin' a few brews back and getti... 
Can a manufacturer post replies & discussions?
Personally, i think that it is great that someone that is in the business would share their opinions. Hopefully, the opinions expressed are based on eitehr first hand experiences and / ir research performed in the line of "duty". Having said that,... 
One big subwoofer or two weaker subwoofers?
How about two big subs instead of two small subs or one big sub? If you want low frequencies with authority, you can't do that with a small box and keep things "tight" with good transient response : ) Sean> 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Glad that you were able to work things out and come to some type of a conclusion. Personally, i would not let Martin Logan off the hook without having the problem corrected no matter what. Not only are the speakers not performing correctly in term... 
Is denon 103 cartridge match with SME V?
I agree with Twl. Should work fine but may work better with a slightly higher mass arm i.e. an older SME. Sean> 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Sorry, i didn't take notice that you had your system posted with pics and that you were running stat's. You have a very clean looking installation. It is quite possible for one panel to have higher output than the other. Running a mono disc and fa... 
Mods - Odds and Sods???
Joe: I went through an identical situation with some of my equipment. That is, i opened up a pair of large high bias monoblocks ( 250 / 500 / 800 wpc ) and found signal cables bundled together with power cables. Needless to say, i started re-arran... 
What is everyone using for dedicated AC lines???
Glen: You haven't been looking too well then. While Albert shows up from time to time in threads, i know that he's doing more reading than posting. As for me, i never shut up. Then again, you probably already knew that : ) Sean> 
Please help, obsessive audiophile question
Believe it or not, i've listened to systems and found major problems that the owner's were completely unaware of. One system had a blown midrange driver in one speaker and another system had one of four woofers dead ( two woofers per speaker ). Ne... 
PC as an analyzer
I used to have a full copy for some of these programs, but i don't know where it went to. Either way, Spectralab offers some truly excellent software that is available as a free download on a time limited basis. Hope this helps. Sean> 
Please help. I have crosstalk...
Sherod: Sometimes using "rca shunts" on the unused inputs can solve this problem, sometimes it does nothing and sometimes it makes things worse. For the cost of some el-cheapo Rat Shack RCA's and a bit of solder, you can find out for yourself : ) ...