
Responses from sdcampbell

when using vandersteen2wq powered sub...
To expand on Bigtee's answer just a bit: you leave the bi-wire speaker cables on the main speakers, as the low-frequency driver will still continue to reproduce frequencies in the upper bass. The crossover for the subwoofer is connected between th... 
New-Issue Jazz on Vinyl?
There isn't much NEW jazz being released on vinyl, but there are a few labels you may want to check out. The Japanese label, "Eightyeights" has some good releases that are on superb pressings, and there are also a limited number of releases on Blu... 
Trelja- announcement and disclaimer
VERY cool, Joe, and I'm pleased for you! As you know from our occasional swaps of E-mails, I also think that speakers are the most variable and most important component in the audio chain. I also hold Bud Fried in high regard, and one of my close ... 
Naxos, the way to go for classical?
I have a couple of suggestions for you. For more information about classical music and classical composers, there are two good books that you should buy and use as references:1. "The Essential Canon of Classical Music", by David Dubal, North Point... 
calling all vandy 5a owners
Can you define what you mean by "sound is not that impressive"? What were your expectations versus what you're hearing? What seems to be missing -- or, conversely, what is present that should not be?The Vandy Model 5's DO need to be tuned to your ... 
Speakers to consider in the $2200 range
At the $2200-2400 price point for USED speakers, you may be able to find a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures, which is a terrific speaker at its retail cost, and almost unbeatable at the used price. I am using a Bryston 4B-ST amp to drive my 3A Si... 
Opinions greatly appreciated
No one has responded directly to the questions in the last 2 sentences of your post, so I'll go out on a limb: I think you would have to spend at least $300-400 to find a better used moving coil cartridge, and you'd give up some the important perf... 
Still pondering Paradigms
For $1600, it's going to be tough to find any speaker that will compete with the ML Sequel II, and this will be particularly true if you are going to replace them with a "bookshelf" sized speaker. In your price range, I would normally recommend th... 
martin logan cinema with paradigme fronts ????????
A ML set across the front should be outstanding, provided that your room is sufficiently large and appropriate for electrostatics, which need a good deal of room both behind and to the side of the speakers. If your listening room is either narrow ... 
martin logan cinema with paradigme fronts ????????
Without hearing the combination, it's hard to state absolutely that they won't "work" together. However, I have yet to hear a system that has both electrostatic speakers and dynamic speakers that sounds well integrated (although the ML Prodigy com... 
Subwoofer suggestions for thiel 1.6?
The Vandersteen 2Wq sub is one of the best values in subs on the market, selling new for about $1300,and available on the used market for $800-900. It features adjustable "Q" (damping), as well as adjustable sensitivity, so it will match well with... 
Is there a Signature verion of the Vandersteen 1C?
As far as I know, there is no Signature version of the 1C, nor is there any plan to offer one. Since the 1C is the entry-level Vandy model, it doesn't make a lot of sense to offer a Signature version since it would increase the cost to about the l... 
Adcom or Parasound Pre- Amp w/Adcom GFA 535 II Amp
The Adcom GFA 535II was/is a very nice entry-level power amp, provided you don't need a lot of power. Some of the high-end audio equipment reviewers thought it was the best-sounding amp that Adcom made back in the early 1990's. If you can find a u... 
Time Coherent Under $1K
If you are willing to buy used speakers, you might also consider a lower-priced pair of Dunlavy speakers. Dunlavy speakers are also time-coherent and phase-accurate. The only concern one might have is that Dunlavy went out of business a year or mo... 
$4000 to spend on a SS power amp - help me choose
If your $4000 budget refers to your actual budget, and not to the MSRP of the amp, then you could consider either the Ayre (already mentioned) or a pair of Bryston 7B-ST monoblocks. These two amps have somewhat different "sounds", but both offer e...