
Responses from sdcampbell

SImple terms:resistance,capacitance,inductance
Here are the definitions for these terms, summarized from Robert Harley's book "The Complete Guide to High-End Audio":1. Resistance and impedance are terms that are sometimes used interchangably to describe the opposition to current flow in an ele... 
Sonic Differences between Alpha Core Goertz Cables
I can only offer two comments:1. the Micropurls use 25-gauge copper conductors for both the incoming signal and the ground plane legs, whereas the TQ2's use silver for the incoming signal leg and copper for the ground plane leg;2. the TQ2's are, t... 
DD DTS THX..............
What Sean said... I'd add that whenever I rent a DVD with both DD and DTS, I always listen to the DTS soundtrack. It has substantially better dynamics and realism, which you can determine for yourself if you switch back and forth between the two f... 
Last Speakers Aerial 20T or Vandersteen 5A
Pursuing Drubin's remarks, I'd go a bit further and comment that your room size could be problematical with either speaker. I think, however, that the Vandy 5A might be the better choice since it offers the ability to contour the bass response usi... 
Adcom GFA-5802 -vs- Parasound HCA-3500 Amps?
I've heard both of these amps, and I'd give the edge to the Parasound 3500. The Adcom 5802 is still a good amp (and a great value at used prices), but it's a bit warmer and darker than I like in my system. Both have good dynamics, good soundstagin... 
CJ MV-55 with Vandersteen 2CE's. A good match?
As a long-time Vandersteen owner and enthusiast, it's hard for me to offer potentially negative comments about the Vandy product line. However, I think that your "warm tube set" (to use your phrase) and the CJ MV-55 is not a felicitous pairing wit... 
What is "Near Field" listening?
The only additional part of defining "near field" listening that I'd add is: your listening position is equal to or less than the distance between the speakers themselves. For example, if your speakers are 9 feet apart, a "near field" listening po... 
What tattoo to get next?
I realize that tats are popular with many younger people, although I utterly fail to understand why (ditto for body piercing...). I agree, however, with Rich that if you are absolutely set on getting a tattoo, choose one that will still be meaning... 
How much does audio equipment really cost
The rough "rule of thumb" for the ratio between manufacturing costs vs. retail price usually falls in the 1:5 or 1:6 range. This, however, is normally based on manufacturing enough of the product to reach so-called "economies of scale". This, howe... 
What is amp's watts-per-channel exceeds speaker?
Greg: A lot of people get confused by the speaker's "maximum power level", so let's quickly put your mind at ease: using a power amp with a power rating that exceeds that of the speakers is not generally a problem. Infact, you are FAR more likely ... 
Can someone explain "Moving Iron" vs."Moving Coil"
To give you a quick and non-technical answer, here are the descriptions of how a moving magnet, moving coil, and moving iron cartridge operate and differ from each other:Moving coil: the inner end of the stylus cantilever is wrapped with coils of ... 
Best SUB that blends into Music not Home Theater
The Vandersteen 2Wq sub is one of the most musical, reasonably priced subs in high-end audio, and blends very well with the main speakers (which should be fairly full-range, with flat frequency response down to about 40-45 Hz). For more info, use ... 
Your thoughts on the DQ-10 vs Vandersteen 2C
Point of clarification: are you referring to the old 2C, or to one of the newer, updated models: 2Ci or 2Ce? If you are referring to the original 2C, your impression that the DQ-10's sound better may be true. The original 2C was superceded by the ... 
Any advice on car audio?
Yes, it is possible to get good sound -- infact, surprisingly good sound -- in a car. However, it is NOT possible to do this cheaply. In addition to the cost of the equipment itself, it is absolutely necessary to install sound deadening materials ... 
RCA Shaded Dog - My Eyes are Playing Tricks
Without seeing the label and the pressing numbers on the LP itself, I have to base my statement on the catalog number. If you have an original pressing, rather than a re-issue, LSC 1893 fell within the range of catalog numbers that were part of th...