
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Last post . My beloved grandmother will throw me out of heaven if I don’t do something Scottish after something in Irish . I found some in Scottish Gaelic , her native tongue and to my ears , the most beautiful one in the world . 
Jazz for aficionados
This carol is by far the most played in it’s home , Ireland .This performance by an Irish" bring the young ones unto me " choir is sung superbly ! Treble Solo is one of the  young lads . 
Jazz for aficionados
frogperson might like these Angels  .    
Jazz for aficionados
My take exactly rok. The woman is considered a Nation Treasure In Canada and is as creative as a it gets .When I first heard it my thought was " Jesus would love this all his children music" . 
Inflated prices in audio
Her is my take .I was at the biggest and best Audio Show in the world in Munich , Germany with a good friend who was CEO of a small German audio company .Couple other "big-shots" wandered up and he introduced me in English .They were talking about... 
Speaker Cable Recommendations
In 50 years in this  hobby I have  had hundreds and hundreds of different speaker cables , Always a courses for horses deal .The  least expensive I have found that sounds very good on any speaker in any system  is the Analysis Plus  Oval Nine blac... 
Amazon just killed Tidal
Few years from you will have no choice in the matter . 
The Beatles Anniversary issues question .....
I always wonder  who wrote most of their  music? 
Are you Beethoven or Mozart?
Easily Mozart  ,  he is the most balanced of all .After LvB  one says , Wow , that was great .After Mozart you say that could be no other way .Of course Bach is best , better than all the  rest .As others have said , Haydn is right up there too. 
Jazz for aficionados
One more of a Carol that applies to most of us .One of her last outings as he fiance died , back again at 62,. folk music goes her genre is the most popular in the world and around the world... 
Jazz for aficionados
Well , it's about Christmas and we should be listening  to some music of that genre .This is my favorite both for its message and  its musical value .This is by a great Canadian artist who is world class in this genre and isa very unique and stunn... 
Jazz for aficionados
That Freedom Jazz Dance is about as straight ahead as  there is ! Stone-cold beautiful . 
Jazz for aficionados
Frogman , I agreed with all you said on Bell . I am old , was tried, didn’t feel like answering and just went for one word to be sardonic.rok, The mercy and love of God is free and also comes from some who worship him . That is SOMETHING !FYI , as... 
Jazz for aficionados
rok , as I check out I leave you with this , the Polish Army code ."We are too small to defend ". "So Attack !’ If you have never been to Warsaw go .God Bless You, All, and Poland . And damn Ayn Rand .Cheers  
Jazz for aficionados
81583FACT 1920 Polish Army alone in 1920 turned back the Invincible Red Army with women, old men and boy scouts left to fight in the Warsaw borders , which they did and many died doing it . As the Great tactical Polish Generals routed from both fl...