
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
nah, rok is OK , he wouldn’t shoot both of us .That Kenny Wheeler stuff is my is my idea of jazz at its best, thanks !rok , Stalin was not a Russian and did not like Russian culture . He targeted Russian intellectuals because then and now the Russ... 
Jazz for aficionados
MacArthur was a great General, made 3 good moves to 1 flop which is high for a General. But the famous photo of him not even bothering to salute the President ,  then wanting an Atomic War with mindless raving , refusing to obey order after order,... 
Jazz for aficionados
If Frogman lived there during those times his intellect would have been more than enough to adapt to the conditions of that time and place .In our time and place our the credit bureau knows more about us than the Gestapo and KGB ever knew about an... 
Jazz for aficionados
rok , are you related to MacArthur ?Cheers  
Jazz for aficionados
Take of a famous musician about another . I can say is I never knew God prefers rascals  . 
Jazz for aficionados
You don't have to go to Russia to find examples .Some of the greatest vinyl ever laid down was made  by the autocrat Fritz Reiner   when he conducted the Chicago Symphony .First thing he did was fire the best musician in the band because every one... 
Jazz for aficionados
rok, Its about like saying a great car mechanic has a different tool box for every brand of car . 
Jazz for aficionados
YES .  
Jazz for aficionados
Is there a general  opinion on" Sketches in Spain "? 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I have a hard time turning my TV on . 
Classical Music for Aficionados
Thanks Jim . I am glad to see little Andy  do his expose on the Royal Racket.How Brits can play that game in this day and age is completely beyond me ! 
Classical Music for Aficionados
I'm sticking with Imogene for late Schubert .But I have heard Volodos recently on FM doing some Brahms that just might displace Lupu . Unreal . 
Jazz for aficionados
Japanese think in "group" not "me" in almost everything they do .Like a good Japanese audience, in the intro they clapped a bit more for the ’little guys" ’than the world known icons . And exploded for the group which is always the most important ... 
Jazz for aficionados
pjw, I thought it showed you think about the most important things and I was impressed.They were scientists in uniform . Like all Imperial countries the USA had their eyes on them for a long time and we planned to bring them to USA ASAP after the ... 
Jazz for aficionados
Frogman ,  here is THE  real deal .