
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Thanks mary jo . Very glad it’s not as bad as one hears. Just as many fascists here , half the people like Putin and hate blacks .   
Looking for Wagner recommendations
Neither , I am a History Prof. Try reading . 
Great choral music on lp
Here is the greatest solo. will never be equaled . 
What is the best sounding Mahler symphony cycle?
At present , Ivan Fisher with his Budapest is best  in world . 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
No, because that profoundly evil Wagner did more than Hitler himself in paving the the way that murdered 7 million innocent men , women and children . No accident he loved Wagner .He was the best known German in the world , both at home and in the... 
Jazz for aficionados
Mary Jo a ? Are the dislike of Serbs still high in your native land ?Took NATO a long time to do much !Love that De Lucia , put some real juice into Spanish music .they 
Jazz for aficionados
 I would like the contest and would win .But A. I don't drink.     B. Even with all the cheating devices on hand , you can't  graduate          summa   cum laude   in a frat house  at a world class university . 
Jazz for aficionados
0-10 , What is my present for Post 19,500 ? Better be good ! 
Jazz for aficionados
Told you that you sound just like them !Glad I wasn't there for the R&R  , I would have been arrested for guitar  destruction . 
Jazz for aficionados
Thank you prysol !I put those clips on Poland with the idea if they were something to even one person, I’d be happy .Millions of people recorded as Russian are actually Polish from when Russia controlled 1/3 of present day Poland .I’m 3/4 Scottish... 
Jazz for aficionados
Exactly frogman , I thought of Brecker few minutes in .I love that term Monster player . Good as it Gets .That switch from Gypsy to straight ahead he often does is wonderful, hear much of jazz in one man , just a joy !Re : Wolff , I almost said he... 
Jazz for aficionados
Little shorter. This is what a Polish Church in rural Poland really looks like on Christmas Eve .Been there, seen that .Better be there a hour early if you want a seat . People stand outside the Church if necessary ! 
Jazz for aficionados
I’m on a one of the most religious countries in all of Christendom kick this year.Jesus is actually more important than Santa ! don't speak Polish , no need, the messages on their faces and voices are crystal clear . 
Jazz for aficionados
For those who have wondered, these Dutch guys are similar to how Mary Jo sounds as well .                                 These guys are doing her theme song . 
Looking for Wagner recommendations
Wagner was an evil man and without him we would have NO problem with just tons of music from decent people .Silly post !Try Puccini for a start , his one aria from " Madama Butterfly ,' "U bel di", is worth more than all Wagner ever wrote .