
Responses from schubert

Calling all SET fans
A-gon should install a special button to click on for all who profit from Al's advice to donate a few bucks to his account for every answer . 
What is your favorite Mozart symphony?
Amen ! 
Vincent PHO 700 Phono Stage
Taters, Vincent is big in UK and Germany, I assume rest of Europe as well . 
Calling all SET fans
Thanks, Map -beyond all doubt Triangle is tube time, I suspect they are around 91db in the space I have .I'm listening to Baroque Organ right now (Couperin )and they are doing fine , real fine, Guitar is off the charts as is piano !+ EE makes very... 
Calling all SET fans
As usual the genius of the one and only Mapman strikes again .I'm listening right now to my Triangle Titus 202's, the cheapest speaker (600$) ever to be a Stereophile Class B , with my 8 watt EE Minimax integrated . They are fast as lighting and c... 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
Here is Minnesota the conditions for growing veggies and other foods that are actually good for humans are ideal.But for 500 miles east and west virtually nothing grows but the most useless crop every grown by man, the one that is hardest on the s... 
Calling all SET fans
Al, you know the EE uses 4 6BM8, 2 a side ?Thanks for the lesson , I really appreciate it . 
Calling all SET fans
Al, then what makes a SET amp sound better that my neat 8 watt Eastern Electric 6BM8 integrated ? 
Calling all SET fans
Al, if I'm reading you right it would seem one should go right to a 3-4 K 300B amp or just forget about it ?best,Len 
Are DACs superior to top-graded regular CD Players
It's always better to be a Aussie as well , beats everythingbut being a Kiwi in Finland . 
Calling all SET fans
Thanks , Fan . As I remember when brand new Mullard EL 34 were 20 bucks a quad it would would be impossible for me to spend 600 bucks for a pair for if my net worth was 20 million .As I recall when I bought the new quad of Mullard EL84 I have 20 y... 
Calling all SET fans
Thanks Swamp, I have access to some Omega 3xr with the hemp drivers ,I 'll try those before I buy any other speakers . 
Calling all SET fans
Gang, my question now just boils down to the amp.The Dynamo looks like a winner and I have NOS Mullard 5U4G and 5ARF on hand but the EL 34's have on hand are pull-outs from old Dynaco 70"s and the Russian "reissues" may be great and all by MY ears... 
MC Cartridges Under $1,000
Denon 103 is best at where you really want to be price wise esp. the ZU audio mod version.That said I'm with Pbnaudio on the Ortofon Quintet Black, having had used both, if you go to 1k .Dyna 20X is a good choice too but IMO a bit rough and readyf... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
Map, if that happens write down all the details for it will the first time in human history !