
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Thanks rok. I was a Plt. Sgt and my chopper was shot down, several times. Pathfinders motto is "First in, last out "To each his own and all, but I told all and sundry if I fell to leave me just where I fell and move on , God could find my atoms wh... 
If you could have only one Christmas album/CD, which one?
If you’re a hard-core St. Matthew Passion type the greatest Christmas Record ever is "Christmas Music" by Orphei Danger on BIS .Orphei Danger is the Great Swedish Male Choir , by far the best in Sweden which means the best in the world . 23 tracks... 
Did anyone see the Adele concert from N.Y.C tonight
No, but I saw the mad rush for tickets by the mad for her upcoming St Paul show on TV  news yesterday.The price in the area where I usually sit for concerts by the magnificent St Paul Chamber Orch, was 5 x as much ! 
What vintage speaker might you use today
DCM Time windows sounded great in the day and I heard a 30yr + pr recently and still sounds great ! 
Jazz for aficionados
rok, Nappy said it during the battle as the "Old Guard " was in full retreat.Sincere wishes for A Happy New Year  
Jazz for aficionados
0-10 no. I just remember the excuse for war before that the Tonkin Gulf incident which also never happened . 
What turntable to start out with ? Pioneer PLX-1000 or VPI Nomad
Is if you don't know how to do it . 
Jazz for aficionados
" There are no bad soldiers only bad Generals " Napoleon   90% of Officers ARE  politicians and I know exactly what I'm talking  about in a manner no non-combat vet ever could . 
Jazz for aficionados
US Army is what it always was , good soldiers led by incompetent careerists . 
Classical Music Compositions from 1940 and later - Vinyl only
I’m sure Fiat has built some cars better than Mercedes . 
Yamaha A-S3000 - any experiences?
What hifi  is often said to be always looking out for the home team.In England for a century the common wisdom was "British therefore best" .Still in force in some quarters .Now if one of the Germans rags had said it My ears would perk up . 
Jazz for aficionados
rok2id, A lot of the guys I was with in the Ia Drang see it as an Icon not to be used unless you have blood in the game .I don't agree but have seen violence over it .Merry Christmas ! 
Jazz for aficionados
Learsfool,  Been thinking about what you and Frog said .My  hunch is usingmy eyes more than my ears, is that the Koreans are always looking at eachother and try more than the American players to play and blend together as job #1 , the technical is... 
What turntable to start out with ? Pioneer PLX-1000 or VPI Nomad
PLX -1000 was on my radar as I love to have 3-4 carts on extra head shells as I always  did back in the day.Howsomwever , couple reviews saying don't forget to tighten up those loose bearings took it off . 
Jazz for aficionados
rok2id, cool with me but I know others who did  that would take offense .