
Responses from schubert

Squeeze Concert including one odd tidbit
You don't have to be very good to stand out in their genre . 
Jazz for aficionados
There are a lot of fine Jazz players in the Twin Cities and in accordance with the "Minnesota nice" laws in force here they are all humble .OBVIOUSLY jazz and classical players as well must gravitate to bigger cities or they would starve to death . 
Jazz for aficionados
I love Elaine Elias as well, I like her piano playing as well or better than her voice.Her and Karen Allison are my go-to girls among current jazz divas, Sassy and Carmen among the deceased . 
What vintage speaker might you use today
Allison One, more fun than any speaker I've heard, was built with triangle shape to be placed in corners, magnificent tone with no mid suckout , totally realistic in symphonic music ! 
Squeeze Concert including one odd tidbit
Re: The Beatles playing. "In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King ." 
Jazz for aficionados
I grew up in a time when a form of Jazz , big band + Americansongbook vocals, was THE pop music of American Culture .Seems to me biggest thing that happened was Audience died/is dying and young population was brainwashed by rock .There are social ... 
The amazing Audio Analogue integrated amp
I have one too, the volume control is a major PITA. Impossible to get the correct volume either by hand or remote , worst money I ever spent in Audio . 
Jazz for aficionados
Jazzpeople a ?I saw a late-right rerun on PBS last night Of the Lincoln Center Jazz Band and the sax player in front,a HUGE man abouta cheeseburger away from 400 lbs, played a solo about as beautifully as music can be played . Whats the guys name ... 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
What bright side ? 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
Lake Superior is the greatest fresh water body on earth.There is a toxic mine being built in its watershed whose hyper-toxic wastewater ponds will need to be closely monitored for the next 500 years in the companies own environmental study .Not ap... 
Your First Concert was.....
Funny Robladw, the ONLY rock concert I ever went to was Joan Jett and company at the Albany Civic Center . The one in NY though .A woman forced me to go . 
Wow .... €50K Headphones ... What next
Inna, Homo Sapiens has very little time left to wise up.The example I used is just one of thousands .Pride and its daughter Greed, thinks they can roll forever but Mom Nature always has the last say . 
Calling all SET fans
I just got a great deal on a pr of Mapleshade Bedrock floor stands, coming next week, see how they do . 
EL34 SE as stable with complex music as EL84 PP ?
I 've done a few tests on this very topic and IMO the 34 is not as good in all the facets you mention. 
Calling all SET fans
Map, I just put small Herbies fat dots under the 202's at each corner. Big jump in instrumental separation and placement, at 5 bucks a piece I know of no better tweek.I could go on and on how great they sound but nobody would believe me .The 6bm8 ...