
Responses from schipo

Battle of affordable pre-amps: Rotel vs Parasound
you seem to be limiting yourself to only two budget pre-amps. There is the Adcom gfp565. Built to last with great sound and on the cheap. 
Surface Noise - another question
Roole my mistake. I should have directed my statement to Lwerner... 
Surface Noise - another question
Roole: I find it completely imposible that you detect no ticks, pops or clicks of any kind. I like to ask where do you buy your vinyl from? Must be from the emperor with no clothes. 
Surface Noise - another question
turn to digital...its the medium get used to it. Or you could buy an lp laser tt and an Laser Turntable Declicker removes pops clicks from vinyl. Thats what they good luck on your quest 
vintage amps
keep on your list a classe DR-9 amp powerful and reliable while excellent sounding even compared to much of the newer amps on the market. 
Recommended e.g. not
thiels are very current hungry ..except I believe their 1.6 models ..why not call thiel and find out what amps they voiced the 7.2? This would help greatly and avoid buying to undercurrent an amp...can't hurt to call. 
Golden Tube Audio SE-40
well yes it is worth while just to get it up and running without breaking the bank. There are many times a piece of gear can have a terrible trsck record for many and you might be the few that comes out smiling with a long time of ... 
Music that really stirs your emotions
thats almost as hard as picking the girl you would want to make love to before you leave this mortal earth. But I will take a stab at it...the love duet from Othelo. love duet between silvio and Needa from the opera pagliacci. All of Richard Strau... 
What Chores do Audiophiles Hate?
mounting a new air conditioner into my out dated bent old rusty apt matter how I mount it, angle it, slant it and shim it up will leak akl over the damn place,..just good that we only have a few months of summer on the east coast... 
Budget speaker $600 or under recommendations
get a pair of sound dynmaics 300ti speakers. Not only are they even cheaper 2nd and 3rd hand then your $600max. But they blow away much of what your looking at. And they put cash back in your pocket for software and anything else ..I have seen the... 
The best of Goodwill...
Tpreaves: Hit and misss thats the rule of the thrift store find.. 
cartridge for WELL TEMPERED Amadeus
look at the dynavector and Grado cartridges they will work very well. I would think that a wide variety would do well in the new WTT arm... 
Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?
I have to ad my two cents into this one.The only possible turn on for single woman would be the cash register ringing in her little head.Meaning if she hears the amount you paid for your gear then she will start taking inventory and figure you hav... 
Which attributes do you value most?
one value you have not listed for me would be reliability. 
Is rack between speakers always less than ideal?
if the rack is an open air design I see no problem. I would avoid heavy solid wood furniture and glass.