
Responses from schipo

Have you ever got emotionally attached
a pair of MG IIIA along with my old Goldmund studio TT.. 
Aragon State one help
not enough gain....what cartridge r u using ? 
State of the art CD player? Only if you do this.
I have listened to state of the art at the time in digital A Krell cd player that cost well over 4G. It was being compared to my Jvc 1010 cd player. The Jvc stood toe to toe and in some ways sounded even better. Till today I would not spend a fort... 
Ellla for the Holiday
would be nice, if the current crop of singers. Take a lesson from this great diva. And learn their way how to sing a song. 
The British Sound
Hey anything is possible when it comes to weather conditions. Then if England is so humid. Then why are all their movies so DRY....LOL 
Magnepan owners : past / present
this is from the AUDIO CRITIQUE on planers.VARIOUS MAGNEPAN MODELS- All the speakers from Magnepan, including the Reference Tympani bass panels above, require above average power, and louder-than-life sound pressure, to sound "alive". This is beca... 
Magnepan owners : past / present
MGIII had them loved them but they didn't love my room or the amp power needed to drive the darn things...still a beauty so I opt out for a pair of proac super tabletts.I wish I still had the darn things..easy to place in my room and they sang wit... 
Are side firing woofers only for aesthetics?
Actually it does have a lot to do with the ear's ability to localise the position of a sound source.I would also think with all drivers firing front.You would have to listen further back then side firing...just my take and if wrong I stand to be c... 
conrad johnson premier 14 vs conrad johnson pv 14l
using better parts does not always mean better sound. The selling point with many manufactures is the using of better parts to charge more for possibly either the same or slighly better in sound quality. Only you can decide if the extra cash out o... 
Dedicated line
this all sounds like over kill to me ...12awg or 10awg in real world applications would have no sound difference at all. 
Sound Valves VTP 101 Preamp Tube Condition?
new tubes since its an estate sale might be in order... 
suggestions on affordable equipment stands.
Hotmailjbc: How I know about the ikea lack tables? I have a friend/neighbor close by me who has some very top flight gear and he has tried enough expensive racks. And he swears that the ikea lack tables with iso pucks work the best and on the cheap. 
suggestions on affordable equipment stands.
why not rest each component on an ikea lack table with the tennis balls and concrete slab. The tables are cheap enough about 7bucks each. There made of composite wood. There very light weight yet sturdy and will support each piece of gear.I am gue... 
A True Adventure Story In The Congo
And the moral of the story is.Thank the good lord we live in the USA. 
Try a different turntable?
HW19 upgraded with heavier platter, SAMA, JMW arm)is not only a great table but in many ways better than most of what is being offered today.Most players and that includes VPI are cutting corners and using non suspended tables as their offerings c...