
Responses from sbrtoy

Harsh Transport
In my recent experience, hard drive based audio seems far superior to any low to moderately priced transport. I have yet to be able to test against a really high end dedicated transport, but how many people are interested in spending $5000+ for a ... 
Best POP audiophile recording/album...
Albert, I am jealous, you found Goldfrapp on LP? Did you get it straight from UK? I have trolled Ebay for a while and never seen one available. I would also say several Supertramp albums are very well recorded, and believe it or not the Shins albu... 
DIY Speakers
Raw Acoustics sells a kit like this I believe, and there are several designs floating around as well. Might want to try the Madisound forums, this is where all the DIY gurus hang out. I built the MBOW-1's from and they are very i... 
How to hook up a computer to a home theater
You are confused I think on what wifi is. You certainly can use it if you wish, you just need a device like the Sonos or Squeezebox, or a USB to SPDIF converter to get the digital out of your computer. Read up on here, there are tons of threads, a... 
Tube DAC to take edge off Rega Planet 2000
I had a planet 2000, and though it is not "bright" per se, I did find some harshness and excessive sibilance on some vocals. If this is what you meant, I have heard it, so have others. If you are referring to some general brightness or grit in the... 
Link for acoustical treatments
The actual effectiveness of foam is very low, try checking out some sites like ATS acoustics or GIK acoustics, these are made from mineral wool and fiberglass sound absorbers, and tend to work much better for not much more $$, plus they are fabrid... 
My system is bright? I need help. thanks
The new Nordost series are nowhere near as bright as the previous series, so don't go swapping cables. I agree with Newbee, try playing with speaker placement first. Aside from the toe in you can also play with the rake, set the front spikes a lit... 
Beginner/ Starter cables
Try out some of the smaller companies from Audiogon, I have had great luck with Signal Cable and Balanced Power Tech cables. These cables offer performance well over their price level, and in my opinion will best most larger companies "entry level... 
iMac vs. PC Laptop
A question for Steve, I have been contemplating your Turbomod for my DAC1, what are your thoughts on the value of completing the mod and continuing to use a Squeezebox and feed to the DAC1 via spdif? Is there a major difference in going straight f... 
iMac vs. PC Laptop
Hmm...Well for someone who uses PC's for work, it seems pretty straightforward, but if you are a Mac person then it will not can use Apple Lossless through iTunes on PC which is the easiest way, other ways get more convoluted. You can use... 
Projector died on me
Go to, you will get a lot more info there. 
Newbie needs to make a decision, Rogue? Manley?
Why not try a tube preamp in your current setup first? Your paradigms are not the warmest or most lush speaker, but neither are Thiels so you may not be far off. You will not get the same sound as a full tube output, but you may be surprised how m... 
iMac vs. PC Laptop
A few issues on this one, I think I can comment as I have gone both roads...PC's require more geekery to setup as you need to avoid the dreaded Kmixer, research the forums for more on this, but they obviously have more hardware and software option... 
Planning for a possible face-off of DACs/CDPs
Also, as you listed a bunch of tube cdp's and DAC's , keep in mind this does not necessarily mean they will fix your brightness issues...products like the Benchmark fix the source of the problem, digital distortion and poor conversion instead of t... 
Planning for a possible face-off of DACs/CDPs
I am a broken record, but try the Benchmark DAC-1, not a trace of digititis will be found...can be had used for around $700 and you can get a Stereovox HDXV digital cable for $75 used which bests many $300+ digital coaxes.