

Responses from sbank

Comments on Thiel CS2.2 speakers
It's really a parallel move to a different flavor. Have you not heard the 2.2s? They're very different from the 2CIs. The Vandersteens are warmer and more forgiving of moderate components upstream. The Thiels will provide more detail, possibly tig... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Zaikes, If you can find the Mingus, Mingus,... on imported vinyl, it's a winner! For me, now it's Yes - The Yes Album (rhino reissue)Jayhawks - Rainy Day MusicGrateful Dead - Skeletons From the ClosetPeter Gabriel - SoKeith Jarrett - Survivors' Su... 
Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270?
Laoyuap,Hopefully this will help...I own a Berning ZH270, and have heard both amps. Both are share many similar attributes in their sound, but for my ears, the Berning is playing in a different league than the M60s. Your observations about both ar... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Bach - Starker's Unaccompanied Cello box on Speakers CornerWow, what great sound! Just picked this up at CES, from our friends at Acoustic Sounds, who had a great booth setup, with nice sale prices and plenty to choose from. Two bad my poker winni... 
Favorite CD treatments?
Herbie's Audio Mat is one of the only tweaks I've run into that a crowd of about 25 audiophiles also all agree is effective. The cost $20, so it's not too risky. The only downside is that they lose stickiness and need to be washed w/warm water &am... 
DIY stylus-cleaning magic long
David,I shared your fear about the "toothpick" method, and my nervous caffeine-juiced likely "user errors", as the Tech crowd would say. The quarter as a base made it handy, and allows me to let the cueing lever do the tricky part. One note of cau... 
How about a new addition to every posting made?
Sean,Very cool idea. I'd do it. For starters, now listening to the Bodeans via tuner on 88.5 WXPN, IMHO the worlds' greatest radio station, available anywhere at www.xpn.org ;-)Cheers,Spencer 
Agon Members at CES
I'll be there on Sunday, looking for all you trouble-makers. Can anyone tell me where online there's a listing of all the high end exhibitors and what rooms they are in? Need to plan my assault tactics to make the most of the day. Cheers,Spencer 
Step-up transformers...
Bombaywalla, I'll be sure to post regardless of which direction I end up going. I'm having a tough time working thru this decision. It would be nice to be able to listen to the effects of the step-up + low output cartridge vs. the higher output ve... 
air tight atm-3 vs. berning zh270
Another vote for the Berning. I used to own the ATM1, which is not quite as good as the ATM3, but sounds pretty similar. The main reason the 3s cost so much is because of the higher power and the assoiciated high cost/high quality transformers on ... 
Step-up transformers...
Doug,Thanks, very interesting. It's quite a dilemna: what hurts more, adding a tranny or choosing a high output version of a cartridge, in lieu of the lower output version? In this case, I'm considering the Airy3. Mehran and I talked, and we sort ... 
Step-up transformers...
Has anyone listened to both the K&K and the Bent Audio? Toying with switching from a .4mv Shelter 501II to something lower output going into my CAT SL1 MkIII. Suggestions for this application? Thanks, Spencer 
A guide for Audiophiles and Marriage
Follow military thinking, when it comes to my system"Don't ask, don't tell"! Everybody wins. Cheers,Spencer 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Guys, thanks for the brief Mahler primer. I'm ready to improve upon my pathetic album entitled, "Mahler's Greatest Hits". Shouldn't that be illegal? Rushton, Fremer certainly isn't the only Smile-lover out there, and I generally like Mikey's taste... 
DIY stylus-cleaning magic long
Thanks Doug, I tried it today, and based on what I see under magnification and hear, it works! I tried mounting the eraser on a quarter with some blu-tak type putty, and I lower the stylus in after lying the quarter/eraser on the platter. Seems ea...