

Responses from sbank

Audioblazer,Having good luck w/ZYX Airy 3 w/silver base on my 12.6 arm on a TNT6-HR. A pretty nice match. Haven't had a chance to try other carts on it yet. Cheers,Spencer 
Why do you never near anything about Spectral
My Spectral experience was not a good one. I bought the system that Harley reviewed, they marketed it as the "2C3D System": DMA180 amp, DMC20 mkII preamp, MIT/Spectral cables, Avalon Radian HC speakers. It was all purchased from one of the top Spe... 
Cartridge for Interspace
2nd on Shelter. The 501 mk II is a good match. Cheers,Spencer 
Merlin speakers a new start for me
Atkatana,Merlins can deliver clean bass down to 25hz if you set them up correctly. I know, I've measured it in my room. They might not have the mid-bass hump that many speakers do, but the notes they play will be tight and realistic, more so than ... 
JWM10 with TNT Cartridge help PLEASE
Radrog,I'm very happy w/ZYX Airy3 on my TNT6-HR w/JMW12.6 arm. If you try a ZYX, I'd recommend getting the silver base for added mass. Kehut's comments make great sense to me. Cheers,Spencer 
vpi tnt what upgrades do i need
Pedrillo,I am in partial agreement with both Stew & Pkaram. However, I've got about ten comments for you so here goes...for starters, you don't mention what, if any, tonearm is on the table now. I'd recommend sticking with the JMW arm or consi... 
What amp do you use with your QUAD'S?
Trebleclef,I used to own ESL63USAs and tried them with Cary Rocket 88, and then later with a Berning ZH270. The Berning was the best I've heard with the Quads. Much better than the Cary in most areas of performance. More power than you need. Excep... 
Can 60 triode watts drive Quad ESL 63's?
Jsujo,I used to run ESL63USA's with a both a Berning ZH270, 70 watt OTL, and with Cary Rocket 88 (20w in triode mode). Both worked fine, the Berning was glorious. You'll be fine.Cheers,Spencer 
French Female Vocalist Jazz Blues Suggestions ???
How about an American who grew up in Paris...Madeline Peyroux. A great jazzy singer/songwriter who has carefully put together only 2 releases in 8 years. Each is worth the wait. If you like Billie Holiday's voice, you'll probably be enchanted w/Ma... 
Opinions, Is this better for the Members?
I agree w/comments that the old system is better. Once a committed buyer flaked out on me, and ultimately completed the purchase only after I threatened negative feedback. Now the carrot remains, but the stick is gone...Cheers,Spencer 
Berning ZH270 - Wiring Upgrade
Art,I'm not surprised at all. To my ears, the Berning definitely sounds better with a good active tube preamp, and that goes for a modded or stock Berning. Nonetheless, while you're shopping for one, the sound is probably still probably pretty dar... 
Review: Merlin Music Systems VSM-MX Speaker
Kevin, Nice writeup. If you haven't tried it yet, be sure to run your BAM in full battery-powered mode. For me, the difference is shockingly apparent, and such an improvement that I'd argue that you haven't heard the MX until you hear it in batter... 
Trelja in New York - 2005
Trelja,Boy, I wish I could have joined you guys! Nice writeup. The only topic near and dear to my heart not discussed much was the analog source components. Any comments on the tables that moved you? What tables were prevelant? Did you hear the Co... 
krell & merlin what next?
While the Joule, Berning, CAT are all natural choices, there isn't one clear best for all. Read the archives, and you'll see many detailed descriptions of the relative merits of each of these combos. I've got the Berning & love it, but if I ha... 
I am asking your opinion as to the best turntable
At CES this year, I was most impressed with the Continuum turntable with Cobra arm from Australia. At $50k USD, it's no bargain, but it grabbed my attention in a way most rooms couldn't. Worth checking out. A photo was in the recent Stereophile or...