

Responses from sbank

What to do in my situation...
edensound, audiopoints, walkeraudio validpoints/discs. There are lots of options out there. I've used all 3 to great effect in various situations. Given your budget, I'd consider radiused Bearpaws from Edensound. BTW, to increase bass, you would m... 
What to do in my situation...
You've got a lot of issues here. As a former Alon II and Alon V owner, I would suggest:Even if just for an hour, try remove the discs from under the spikes, and see if it makes a difference. Better yet replace those cheesy spikes with something be... 
Who makes a GM-70 based SET?
Pani,Kara Chafee at Dehavilland would be the expert to answer your question. Dehavilland has been focused on making amps with 845s and GM-70s for quite some time. FWIW, I can't say enough good things about my experience owning Dehavilland amps (in... 
Opinions on these amps?
I've heard pretty great sounds on the Gallos driven by the Pass First Watt F5, only 25 watts, I believe! All watts are not created equal. Good luck,Spencer 
Grover Huffhman Sx
I am using Grover "S" interconnects, and his latest speaker cables, mine in a tri-wire configuration. After having tried many more expensive cables w/variety of gear, I also continuously impressed with Grover Huffman's products and his service. He... 
Best Amp to drive my Apogee Stages?
Pass Labs is a great choice, but not in your budget. A old Threshold would be perfect. Something that might not be a conventional recommendation, but was surprising good for the money is the Sunfire amps. They are powerful and high current. At use... 
Top 2009 recordings
Neko Case - Middle Cyclone, preferably on Vinyl, second on Wilco - The albumCheers,Spencer 
For Basis TT owners does the VPI SDS work?
Samhar,Your comments about the improvement in sound due to adding the Walker Motor controller echo what I've heard on a number of VPI tables. No, it's not a placebo effect! Cheers,Spencer 
"Tell the industry what you want" postingboard
Newly manufactured tubes with the sonics of the best NOS combined with quality assurance testing and consistency, as well as cost efficiency(i.e. value pricing) of the best modern manufacturing. Drubin's suggestions on better input labeling and sp... 
VPI Classic and ZYX Airy 3 X SB...good match?
I am very happy w/my 3XSB on a 12.7 arm & TNT6HR. The SB is required! The other cart line that should be on your list is Dynavector. Very good matches across the board w/the JMW arms. Cheers,Spencer 
Decent sounding Pretenders album?
Although a little different from most of their catalog, the CD Isle of View is an "unplugged" type live performance that is pretty decent sounding. Some of the arrangements feature strings and decidedly mellower than avg. album of theirs, but a ni... 
retubing and would like to hear input from others
In many circuits, the 5AR4 doesn't have any impact or just very small impact on the sound. Try before you spend big $ on rectifier tubes, if possible. 2nd re: Joe's tube lore. Also another thread this week talked extensively about 6922s. Cheers,Sp... 
Tube rolling 6922 tubes looking for transparency
Much good advice on Amperex and Telefunken. One great value, the Toyota/Honda analogy fits, is the Tunsgram from Hungary. These are quiet, pretty neutral, with good extension in the highs -- not too bright, but plenty of air. Bass is not as strong... 
How to convert VPI turntable to banlanced?
Agreed, you don't need anything else if you get the VPI box. It was easy to install, and sounds great. FYI, if you are interested in buying one, I have one that I've been intending to sell, but haven't taken the time to list yet. I switched to a s... 
Analog maintenance
Flyfish,I used to have a dusty room, and I solved it by getting a Honeywell air cleaner, which I run whenever no one is in the listening room. Like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000GT9RJK/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd...