

Responses from sbank

need crash course in using digital music.
Other than file sizes, is there any downside to AIFF? I am ripping many CDs into itunes in AIFF format, currently used with a WindowsXP PC. Plans are to add a Squeezebox in the short term to get file access on my audio rig in another room. Longer ... 
Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far
The Wilco album heads in a less experimental direction than where they were a few years ago, but the songs are good, the playing tight, and increasing contributions from guitarist Nels Cline give it a subtle jazzy subtext, reminiscent of Steely Da... 
How good of a DAC is the Logitech Transporter
Audiogalore, so are you saying that if I want to add a music server to my setup(that has a tube linestage, and currently a cd transport feeding a Trivista21 dac), and I am on a tight budget, that the internal dac of the Transporter will sound almo... 
Which cleaning solution do you use in you RCM?
Compared to my experience with Audio Intelligent,Disc Doctor & VPI fluids, Walker Prelude is best by a very noticeable degree. I hear improvements on LPs that were cleaned with AI. Also, I find that Walker Prelude is fast, even though there ar... 
best Integrated amp under 4000$
Jadis used DA60? 
any early 80's alt/soft punk fans out there?
Don't forget XTCThe StranglersNine Nine NineMagazineTeardrop Explodes / Julian CopeTears For FearsThe CrampsXI saw many, many of the bands in this thread at the 9:30 club in Washington DC. That place was something most nights in 1981&1982! Che... 
USB DACs with 24/192 via USB
Ugh. Head hurts. Me waits. Vinyl spins. Digital product change fast. Digital resale value drops. Head hurts again. Ugh... Cheers,Spencer 
Joule LA100 MKIII or Granite Audio 770FP or Modwrt
yeah, the tube rectifier in the Modwright is worthwhile! 
Joule LA100 MKIII or Granite Audio 770FP or Modwrt
The Joule is ever so slightly tubey. The Modwright is definitely not tubey, more neutral sounding. Both are very good in their price range. Choice of tubes will dramatically affect how quiet either one is. Building a system by counterbalancing fla... 
What should I upgrade?
Measure your current room response so you have an idea of what is going on. That will help you understand if room treatments or a sub will help. Talk to Magnepan regarding if you are under-driving your speakers. Borrowing a more powerful amp to tr... 
Monos for Quad 989
I've owned the Atma MA1s, and think highly of them. Also, owned Quad ESL63USA's, but not at same time. I would recommend calling Ralph at Atma-Sphere, and asking him about user's matching experience w/Quads. Impedance dips are the question. Autofo... 
Amplifier question for powering Wilson Sophia
They will all function fine, it is a matter of personal taste. You should try to listen if possible. My vote is for Pass, but that shouldn't sway you. Ayre is another that should be on your list of ss amps. 
Berning ZH-270 Replacement
IME, the Berning is a great amp, but not great as an integrated. The volume control is nothing but average. Try it with a good separate line stage, and only then judge the quality of the amp. If you are limited strictly to integrateds, consider th... 
Audio Research Sp-6a up in smoke
Bob Backert at RHB Sound Design is a genius. He's worked on plenty of sp6's too. 
How to find Good Pressings
Elizabeth,This is the best post I can remember reading in a long time! Cheers,Spencer