Responses from samzx12
Manley Chinook SE MK2 @rooze I definitely don’t need a Steelhead with so many features. How does the sound compare to the Chinook? @tablejockey recently i upgraded my cartridge to a Hana Umami Blue. Its still breaking in but so far i love it. I spoke with Upscale and ... | |
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money? Jasonbourne must have the worst ears on this website. His advice/opinions are absolutely horrible sorry. I've heard TechDas and it was nothing short of incredible. | |
Which Shunyata Power Cord? @audphile1 what are your other cables? I don't find the Shunyata Alpha V2 XC bright whatsoever. Maybe you're getting some bad interactions with other cables in your system. | |
Passive preamps - differences between technologies Get the best ARC preamp you can afford. The synergy will be fantastic. | |
Do people tire of audio forums? I'm not bothering answering 🤣😜 | |
ARC Ref75se fuse Send a PM. | |
ARC Ref75se fuse Thank you for the information. What fuse did you go with? | |
help choosing a turn table What about a used Rega P6. I've seen 2 or 3 for sale. Better than P3. | |
Quandry If you want the best from your table, hire a setup guy if there is one available in your area. It gave me the piece of mind it was done correctly. | |
As An Experiment I Stuck A Few Things Under My Pre-Amp And Am Now On A Quest Critical Mass footers under my LUMIN T3 have really changed my view on isolation. They aren't cheap but work very very well. | |
LIST ALL YHE SPEAKERS YOU HAVE OWNED THEN TILL NOW! Klipsch KG 4.2 Paradigm 11SE? Digital Phase Tyler Acoustic Linbrooks varies iterations Tyler Acoustics H3.5 Thiel 2.7 Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Wilson Audio Sabrina | |
Anyone else suffering with Qobuz tonight My Qobuz goes wonky from time to time and agree with Ozzy. Audiogon is very slooooow lately. | |
SabrinaX Sub-Crossover If you're into hyper detailed sound then yes Audience SX are a good match. If not, then I would highly recommend against. I tried them with my Sonus Faber Olympica 3 and sold them within a month. Wilson is the total opposite of SF. | |
ARC amp differences. Jasonbourne obviously has a beef with ARC. I've never had any issues whatsoever. Primaluna is not in the same league as ARC. And yes I've owned both. | |
New Pass Labs Go To Mark is fantastic and has a wealth of knowledge that's hard to beat in this hobby. |