
Responses from samzx12

Manley Chinook SE MK2
@rooze I definitely don’t need a Steelhead with so many features. How does the sound compare to the Chinook? @tablejockey recently i upgraded my cartridge to a Hana Umami Blue. Its still breaking in but so far i love it. I spoke with Upscale and ... 
Table,cartridge,phono...where to put most of my money?
Jasonbourne must have the worst ears on this website.  His advice/opinions are absolutely horrible sorry.  I've heard TechDas and it was nothing short of incredible.    
Which Shunyata Power Cord?
@audphile1 what are your other cables? I don't find the Shunyata Alpha V2 XC bright whatsoever.  Maybe you're getting some bad interactions with other cables in your system.   
Passive preamps - differences between technologies
Get the best ARC preamp you can afford.  The synergy will be fantastic.    
Do people tire of audio forums?
I'm not bothering answering 🤣😜  
ARC Ref75se fuse
Send a PM.   
ARC Ref75se fuse
Thank you for the information.  What fuse did you go with?  
help choosing a turn table
What about a used Rega P6. I've seen 2 or 3 for sale.  Better than P3.  
If you want the best from your table, hire a setup guy if there is one available in your area. It gave me the piece of mind it was done correctly.    
As An Experiment I Stuck A Few Things Under My Pre-Amp And Am Now On A Quest
Critical Mass footers under my LUMIN T3 have really changed my view on isolation. They aren't cheap but work very very well.    
Klipsch KG 4.2  Paradigm 11SE? Digital Phase Tyler Acoustic Linbrooks varies iterations Tyler Acoustics H3.5 Thiel 2.7 Sonus Faber Olympica 3 Wilson Audio Sabrina  
Anyone else suffering with Qobuz tonight
My Qobuz goes wonky from time to time and agree with Ozzy. Audiogon is very slooooow lately.   
SabrinaX Sub-Crossover
If you're into hyper detailed sound then yes Audience SX are a good match.  If not,  then I would highly recommend against.  I tried them with my Sonus Faber Olympica 3 and sold them within a month.  Wilson is the total opposite of SF.   
ARC amp differences.
Jasonbourne obviously has a beef with ARC. I've never had any issues whatsoever.  Primaluna is not in the same league as ARC. And yes I've owned both.   
New Pass Labs Go To
Mark is fantastic and has a wealth of knowledge that's hard to beat in this hobby.