
Responses from sabai

What Does Holographic Sound Like?
I need a show of hands here. Who would agree that this post of mine that has been disallowed by the moderator is "inappropriate" or "inflammatory"? Is it any more "inappropriate" or "inflammatory" than many posts of Geoffkait that have not been di... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,Of course, the issue is not what Kal Rubinson of Stereophile thinks of 2-channel or 5-channel systems -- and your statement that you do not agree with what he says when you do not even report accurately what he does in fact say. In which... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,When you stated, "I think that there are many who have never heard "holographic sound" and may not know what they are missing ... ITs kind of the final frontier of home audio in my mind." This is what I have been alluding to in my posts. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,After your failed attempt to convince us that Kal Rubinson of Stereophile does not believe in holographic sound, may I reiterate:Could you please give us the details regarding who "in the industry" minimizes the importance of holographic... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,I stated, "I have not heard of a single "person in the industry" or a single "senior reviewer" who minimizes the importance or denies the existence of "holographic sound". Of course, there is a world of difference between minimizing the ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,You stated, referring to Jack Bybee, "I can certainly understand why he would not wish to enter into discussions here, if you get my drift." I don't get your drift at all. But you may get my drift with this analogy. During the 1988 U.S. ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Bryoncunningham,Regarding Geoffkait, you stated, "I for one do not believe that Geoff is particularly interested in making meaningful contributions to discussions. You can certainly find posts in which he appears to contribute, but they are few by... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,You got it absolutely correct when you observed:"Geoff, yes the bybees are expensivd but my guess is they are at least more likely to do something." 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,You have put it so succinctly that I cannot not improve on your statement:"My impression of Geoff is that everything he says or does is for the purpose of remaining an enigma in every way shape or form. I suppose that has appeal to some. Bu... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Is there anyone who, after closely monitoring the posts of Bobby Palkovic and Ted Denney, would venture to state that Geoffkait even comes close to them when it comes to the integrity of vendors? This is a very significant issue here and I will ex... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
By the way, for those like myself who have experimented with polarity for any length of time and who are also familiar with Bybee products, reversing polarity can have a positive effect on holography. But, if you compare the effect of reversing po... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Now let's get back to the subject of Bybee products. How many who are reading this discussion have had experience with Jack Bybee's products? The reason I have put so much emphasis on them is that they have had more impact on the sound in my syste... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,You have put this very well when you state, "Not change the subject, obfuscate, or go on the attack of the questioner." Of course, you must be talking about Geoffkait who is the most obvious changer of subjects and the most obvious obsfusca... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,I have put you on the spot and you now choose to sidestep the issue of Bybee products by redirecting the discussion about this specific issue that I brought up in my post to a discussion of frustration and anger. How clever. If you were ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
By getting the discussion to swirl around his "esoteric" declarations, Geoffkait accomplishes his agenda -- to make himself the center of attention on these forums. He is a vendor with an agenda and this is good for business. This is the process w...