
Responses from sabai

What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,When you mentioned "the line between useful information and nonsense", I think it is abundantly clear that there is no line here. This is pure unadulterated nonsense -- crazy talk for the sake of hearing its own voice -- as we see so many t... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Learsfool,I agree with you completely when you state "simply banning those type of folks that are just insulting and contribute nothing useful." It is odd that Audiogon often lets these "type of folks" dominate threads while others either back off... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Bryoncunningham and Douglas_schroeder,You fellows seem rather level headed. Why don't we let everyone who wants to "step into the ring" at Barnum and Bailey enjoy themselves while the three of us and any others of like mind carry on a conversation... 
Another Next Best Tweak
Ozzy,With neodymium magnets just put them on the outside of the chassis on top or on bottom -- wherever there is a transformer. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Geoffkait,Altering the sound on CDs with pens is well-known. And the fact that sound is altered by everything in the room is also well-known. But when we begin to indulge in the vague and mysterious for the sake of being vague and mysterious -- as... 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
Charles1dadI had a full loom of ASI Liveline. They were blown completely out of the water by HiDiamond cables. All parameters considered. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Bryoncunningham,Well, to tell you the truth, I agree completely with your statement that "This idea is crazy." Let's examine carefully Geoffkait's statement: "What you are hearing is a distorted, compressed, noisy facsimile of what is actually com... 
Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?
Abruce,I haven't swapped in any new tubes yet. I am waiting till my DP-777 is fully broken in. I am at about 380 hours. In another 120 hours, once everything opens up, I will have a good basis for comparison when I start to swap. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,For my system "tweaks" are much more than fine tuning. They are as important as components and often have as great an effect as changing a component.Chadeffect,When you stated "... I doubt you can reach that level of 3D performance without ... 
One Small Step ... That Transforms Your System
Metralla,Yes, that's the exact one. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Mapman,To give you an idea of what this all means for the sound my system produces let me give you a recent example. I put on Eugene Ormandy's Rachmaninov Symphonies 1-3 yesterday. The whole orchestra was in my room. I mean the concerts opened up ... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Csontos,You're the only one questioning my honesty. Anyone who questions my honesty will not receive a response from me. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Marqmike,You have caught the spirit in which this thread was started and I appreciated that.You have confirmed something that I do with my own system. I am also experimenting with speaker cables in parallel and the results are excellent -- as you ... 
One Small Step ... That Transforms Your System
Mapman,No, I have not. My Marantz PM 15 (original 1993 model) is amazing. If I make any changes in this area in the future it will be to purchase a VAC tube amp. 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Csontos,Dare to wager. This is one you will not win.Onhwy61,"The onus of proof"? No problem. Come on over for a home cooked meal and an evening of lovely music anytime you're in Asia. Critical listening is done carefully with my reference CDs -- t...