
Responses from sabai

It's All in Your Head
Minorl,I could not agree more. 
Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?
Soix,The Supra LoRad 2.5 is an improvement over stock cords. I run cables in series and I use the Supra LoRads to patch into my high end cables using Bybee products. I would never use the Supras alone in my system because they do not have the soni... 
It's All in Your Head
Onhwy61,This may be true in many cases but it is difficult to generalize this to the entire audiophile community, IMO. 
It's All in Your Head
Onhwy61,That may be true in some cases. 
It's All in Your Head
Nonoise,You stated, "This continuing refinement is part and parcel of the spiritual nature of all of this and cannot be separated." And I agree completely. 
Isolation Transformers
Clio09,Thank you very much. I'll take a look. 
AC Outlets
Rja,You are absolutely correct. Experts are to be found everywhere. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. If you have a high end system, all you need to do is install a Synergistic Research Tesla Plex SE and open your ears. 
It's All in Your Head
Bryoncunningham,This is indeed a very interesting question. And, yes, I am a philosopher at heart and I am aware if this age-old debate. Of course, the room also mediates what happens in the brain. If you are using headphones, for example, you tak... 
Isolation Transformers
Clio09,Thank you for the details. Since I have no experience with the PEs this information enables me to get an idea of how they function in your system. I have never seen the PEs come up for sale on the aftermarket.I am aware that Nordost bought ... 
It's All in Your Head
Mechans,You stated, "If I here a piece that sounds crappy I know it and it annoys the crap out of me." As I said, there's no going back.Nonoise,Understood.Mrtennis,What I meant is that the perception of the musical event is mediated by the brain. ... 
Isolation Transformers
Clio09,Thanks for this link. I have never seen the PE before. I would be interested in learning how they are working for you. I have an Essential Audio Noise Eater, a couple of Kemp products, 4 Schumann resonance devices, a Quantum Symphony Pro an... 
It's All in Your Head
Mechans,The spiritual experience is that music touches the spirit -- evoking "the gamut of human emotion", as you have observed.Nonoise,When I use the word "spiritual" it is in the wider context, of course, having nothing to do with ritual.Jeffrey... 
Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?
Bacardi,I had the very same experience when I installed the D8 in my system. All sonic parameters improved dramatically. The whole musical experience took a quantum leap forward. 
Isolation Transformers
Clio09,I took a look and saw there was no content on the Alan Maher site. We'll have to wait and see if he comes up with some products. I read that he dropped out for a while -- rumors. What are the PEs? I have never seen them. 
Isolation Transformers
Clio09,You're welcome. I took a long hard look at the Topaz when I was shopping for an isolation transformer. The Topaz was actually on the top of my quality list along with other balanced transformers but the price and the weight (extra shipping ...