
Discussions rwd has started

I have an ARC LS 25 MK 1.........376511
The best vinyl recording of .....Bruckner Sym 6..16073
Run Balanced and RCA at the same time?481810
Which way to go for a long interconnect.....25814
Bill Miller of Miller Sound...............32516
Helikon run-in groove problem.....321110
OK all you Infinity RS 1A/1B Beta speaker owners..1565022
Anyone familiar with the Audio Physic Avanti lll??32165
Cable for Tonearm/Turntable........23252
Is it the cable or the cartridge or????21285
ARC VT 100mk ll or mk lll or Bat 75SE?????37017
Alpha Core Goertz......need recommendations765110
I am considering purchasing a Helikon cartridge...21776
What recomendation would you give me ........23266
Has anyone done any upgrades to the Infinity RS 1-B ?20272