
Discussions rwd has started

Dirt on my stylus.....what to do?610127
What does Current mean in a power amp???840436
Mahler...OK I'm hooked330610
Does the amp wattage make a big difference?395914
ARC VT 200 mkl vs the ARC VT 100 mkll29483
Re tubing an ARC PH 3 SE....18443
What is a good intro to "Mahler"?779244
What is the next Phono Pre-Amp for me?463714
Aerial 20T...has anyone heard it?25925
Question about Aesthetix cartridge demagnetizer...27823
Please, someone....tell me more about.........24522
I have finally decided......28534
Acoustic Zen Matrix..for me???481813
What Power amp SS would you recommend........62017
The Groove Phono Pre-Amp31203