
Responses from rsf507

Audio Doctor goes to Axpona observations so far
Anyone hear the Tri-Art Audio speaker open baffle made of bamboo? I was impressed. 
Audio Doctor goes to Axpona observations so far
Agree the new PS Audio speakers did not impress. Again the Paradigm Persona 3F were just ok if they were a $2500 speaker. Would have thought with the room correction it would have been much better.  
Axpona 2019
Heard the BLOCK room. It was ok but why showcase those behemoth amps with a minimonitor? Lost opportunity for BLOCK 
Another help me spend money thread or maybe not.... going to AXPONA
@hughp3 did you get a chance to hear the Sanders? Your thoughts? 
Axpona 2019
In no particular order.Tri-Art-audioSanders 10eBricasti  
Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K
Another vote for the Sanders 10e 
Paradigm Persona series
OK just heard the Persona 3f at Axpona and nice midrange and top end BUT bass was muddy and not much definition this even with room correction. Yes it was in  hotel room but didn't do anything for me. 
Home demo. ProAc D48R and Spendor D9
Have several friends who own Spendors and always found them lacking that midrange fullness and just to hot on top. Just not my flavor in a speaker YMMV.  
Phono stage recommendations
Personally I've had both the JC3 and JC3+ phono stages and never thought they were anything specialNow use either a GN PH10 or NVO tube  phono stage GN is very versatile. Have never heard the p-x5e so can't comment. 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Agree with @steakster have always admired Ralph with his very insightful posts but I think he took this thread too far in the wrong direction.  
Martin Logan CLX or 15A- any idea of % discount from official dealer?
Oh yes the Sanders can rock!  
odyssey kismet monpblock
@arctikdeth What speakers will you use the Magtech amp with? 
Another help me spend money thread or maybe not.... going to AXPONA
Agree with you DS most different genres of speakers with a little (ok LOT) of work can sound amazing but overall IMHO electrostats when done right, meaning they require amps with lots of current, sound so quick and transparent they take me back to... 
Another help me spend money thread or maybe not.... going to AXPONA
Another vote for Sanders 10e speakers, let all know what you think of them once heard. Once you hear planers it's hard to listen to anything else. 
New Gold Note PH 10
@chakster  you stated  and then they blabling something about new version in the future. Here is part of an e-mail I received from a dealer direct from GN."....The second more radical solution we will introduce since the production of 1st of Feb...