
Responses from rsf507

Basic switch....should I upgrade?
So who has owned the Bonn 8 and is it that much better than a standard Amazon $30 switch and 2nd is the LPS required to use? Looking for actual users please.  
New Jays Audio flagship cd transport
@a1uc if unit hasn't shipped and having 2nd thoughts just cancel.  
Triangleart Maestro
No but this seems a bit steep: Optional TrangleArt T1 record clamp: $1,200  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
Thanks Mike but the Glanz MH-124S Premium is priced at $26 500 retail! I was looking in the 5-10 k range. Being retired if the wife found out I spent over 25k for a tonearm I'd probably be 7" shorter 😉  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
@rauliruegas @mijostyn out of curiosity what do you consider great arms say in the 5 - 10k range? Kuzma 4Point? 4POINT9?  
Power Cord Recommendations for Bricasti M3
I've been using an Audiomica Callisto ac cord on my previous Bricasti M1 and now on the M3 and have been extremely happy with its performance.  
How Do I Choose A Phono Preamp
@vonhelmholtz what's your price point?  
New Koetsu on Ebay from Japan???
I've never required a warranty but it happens take a look at this thread on this forum. Brand new Lyra Delos - skewed cantilever  
How Do I Choose A Phono Preamp
The Gold Note PH-10 is one of the more versatile units at a reasonable price and it sounds amazing  
New Koetsu on Ebay from Japan???
Wow to purchase a Koetsu via Ebay I feel you are just asking for trouble. What about warranty? Screwed cantilever? I'd never even consider it myself personally YMMV    
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly?
Check out Audiomica cables, I came from Purist and Cardas Beyond and now a full loom of Audiomica and couldn't be happier. I didn't pay retail bought from importer at good discount. Do some research on Audiomica lots of reviews but not much talk.  
What is your record cleaning regimen?
+1 ricmci  
What is your record cleaning regimen?
Started with a VPI 16.5 for 25+ yrs finally the motor gave out (as did my ears)  Bought a Kirmuss US and while it did a great job cleaning it was a PITA to use with its 20 step process. As a result it sat unused for 3 months then sold it. Now use... 
My Sonic Labs cartridges
@mijostyn can I ask what dealer you might be getting the MSL cartridge from?  
My Sonic Labs cartridges
Thanks @jperry for the link, very helpful. Since I mainly listen to jazz and 70-80's music how would the MSL Gold Sig compare to the platinum?