
Responses from rosstaman

Where is NBS?
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Massage therapist looking for stereo for office
Thanks for all your responses. Looks like I'll suggest the NAD L-40. She'll need approx. 20 feet of speaker cable to run the speakers in each of the rooms. Any suggestions for decent quality speaker cables that will work well with the NAD? Ross 
Nordost vs NBS
I had Nordost SPM XLR interconnects that were used with a Audio Research Ref. 1 preamp to a Plinius SA100 MKIII amp. I tried the NBS Monitor I XLR interconnect and felt that the NBS had a more natural tonal balance, the soundstage was more clearly... 
Massage therapist looking for stereo for office
Thanks, Kirk. Yes, she wants the same music in all the rooms. Ross 
speaker cables with a warm sound
I used to own a pair of NHT 2.5i speakers. They too were very revealing and on the bright side. I found the NBS Monitor IV speaker cables and interconnects helped reduce the brightness. 
CDR Longevity? Brand X vs. Brand Z
My experience gives Sony the best rating, followed by Maxell. TDK are very blue in color and some car cd players will not recognize them. Above all, Memorex is by far the worst. It's not even good for backing-up data on the computer. The few Memor... 
Sellers that don't respond
I had a seller who agreed to sell me his amp stand. Then he didn't respond to my emails for over two weeks. When he did he asked me if I was still interested. He indicated to me that he had to go on an emergency vacation and couldn't email me befo... 
Please help me choose CD isolation
Mapleshade has Isoblocks. They're made of rubber/cork/rubber laminate "carefully tuned by ear to give just the right vertical, horizontal and torsional resonant frequencies for optimum sonic isolation." A set of four (weight up to 99 lbs.) cost ar... 
Help with speaker selection, please
When I was shoping for full range speakers, I compared the Proac 3.8's with the Dynaudio 3.3's. Both speakers sell for about the same price. I would recommend you listen to the Dynaudios. Although I primarily listen to cd's (of all genre), the Dyn... 
Best driving music.
The Allman Bros. Live at the Filmore East is one of my favorite cds. It was recorded on the last night of the Filmore East before it closed. I was there and we got out of the concert around 10AM the next morning. So not only is it one of the best ... 
Bookshelf sized-cost no object
Before you make any decision, listen to the Dynaudio 1.3 SE Mk.II ($3,500 new). I haven't heard the Red Rose #3, but the Dynaudio beats most of the larger size speakers I've heard that cost almost twice as much.. 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
My wife is pretty cool about it. We been together for 28 years and she knew from day one, how important music is to me. I used to volunteer for Rock Medicine and took her to a lot of shows where we would hang out backstage and meet many of our fav... 
Have Hiss-Need Help ASAP
Get a new cat! 
Have you "lied" to yourself?
I bought one of those "noise killers" that you plug into any outlet and it supposed to reduce line noise. Well, maybe I didn't have any line noise to kill!? But for wasting $300, the line noise from my wife was deafening. 
infiniti cap signature upgrade for ARC
I bought my REF 1 used. it came with the infiniti caps, detachable power cord, gain control adjustment, etc. already installed. In the owners manual was a service sheet from Lenbrook Industries indicating a v.4 upgrade. If you want better details,...