
Responses from rosstaman

Any tricks to keep cats away from speaker grills?
There's a spray you can use on the covers that should repel cats. Check with your vet.Ross 
Greatest Songwriter of all time
DylanLeonard CohenLennon/McCatrneyDavid ByrneBob Marley 
Plinius amp and Conrad-Johnson 16LS
I've used the Plinius SA100MKIII with an Audio Research LS16 and the Reference Two. Both tube preamps sounded wonderful with the Plinius. Great bass with very clear defined highs. Never bright or fatiguing. I have not heard the Plinius with the CJ... 
Just purchased Wilson Maxx's. Now what ?? Amps?
At The Tuscany Hotel during this year's T.H.E. Show (CES) had a pair of Halcro dm58 monoblocks hooked-up to the Wilson Maxx's. It was my favorite room. The folks in the room who were listening actually clapped after the demo. They played cd's, ree... 
Which CDs to test a component?
Eric Clapton-Unplugged. On the first track, the percussionist Ray Cooper is hitting a triangle. It should sound clearly like a triangle. This gives me a good impression on the distinctness and clarity of the high range.Neville Marriner and the Aca... 
Transparent Audio IC's and Speaker Cable
I agree with Mg123. I auditioned Transparent Music Wave, Super's and Ultra's. I was quite disappointed mainly because I found they lost detail in the higher ranges (clipping). I had NBS Monitor IV (and tried Monitor III's) ic's and speaker cables ... 
Audio tip for aging male audiophiles
Using vibrapods under your head when trimming your ear hair helps lower the noise floor. I've replaced the battery with a King Cobra Powersnake on my Panasonic nose and ear trimmer and even my wife noticed the difference. 
What's your favorite MFSL CD's?
One of the best sounding MFSL cd's I've ever heard is Harry Nilsson: Nilsson Schmilsson. Other excellent ones are - Joe Jackson: Night and Day, The Allman Brothers: Live at The Fillmore East, Bob Marley: Catch A Fire, Miles Davis: Kind of Blue, St... 
Best Recordings
Clapton has shown us that after 30+ years he's still not only one of the very best guitarist and songwriters, but he cares about the quality of his recordings. His cds over the past decade have been excellently recorded. His new cd "Reptile" is a ... 
Copy-protected CDs - Technical discussion
I experienced clicks, pops and an occassional (faint) white noise when I burned a Mozart CD. I tried a few different approaches and found when I extract the cd's music files onto the hard drive and burned the cd from the hard drive instead of the ... 
Any audio gifts for Christmas?
After purchasing a new Plinius SA250MKIV for my birthday in September, it only seemed fitting to upgrade my Audio Research Reference One to a Reference Two MKII for the holiday season. Helllloo midrange! Also got new dive gear: BC, regulator, comp... 
Who is going to the CES show?
Never mind! I found their website ( and registered. See you there. 
Who is going to the CES show?
What's the website address? I didn't receive any info on registration, etc. If it's not too late, I may make the trip (it's about an 8 eight hour drive from here). How would I go about getting info on registration, etc?Thanks, and happy holidays &... 
Where R U?????
If you look at a map of California and find Yosemite National Park, I'm at the ten o'clock position in the town of Twain Harte in the beautiful Sierra Mountains. Audiophiles? We don't have no stinking audiophiles. Actually, there are 3 audiophiles... 
Excellent recording of Mozart Jupiter No.41 ?
My personal taste leans toward Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Maritn In The Fields. Regardless of the composer, they sound very "live", and the dynamics from the high range to the low range are the best.