
Responses from rosstaman

Cigar Smell...How to get out of Maggies??
I agree with Gthrush1. All tobacco smoke is bad for electronic equipment. The computer industry knows this, as they were one of the first industries to ban smoking in the workplace because of the damage the tars and 4,000 other chemicals cause on ... 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
Ultrakaz, I have to disagree on the XRCD of Dire Straits Brothers In Arms. I have the original cd, the reissue and now the XRCD. The XRCD far surpassed the others in quality, dynamics, and quieter background. 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
The FIM label (licensed by JVC) has the XRCD2 format.Ross 
Quality of recording vs Musical tastes
I'd like to plead guilty, too. I listen to a lot more classical (Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Rossini, etc.) because of the beauty of the recordings. I also listen to more jazz, but prefer pre-60's recordings. I too have Patricia Barber's Cafe Blue... 
JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?
I own 10 XRCD's or XRCD2's. I have not heard another hybrid cd format (that can play on a regular cd player) that compares with the quality of the XRCD sound. I recently got Dire Straits: Brothers in Arms. It's a major improvement over the original. 
Near field listening and speaker placement
The Audio Physic website has excellent suggestions and rational on setting up loudspeakers in a room.,Ross 
Average age of audiophiles
When I was around 15 years old and had worked during the summer, I bought my first stereo system. Gerard turntable, ADS Speakers, and a receiver (can't remember the make, but I'm sure I'll wake-up around 3AM thinking about it). I still have the sp... 
Help pick opening song for my film
Paulwp, thanks. That's what I meant to write. I must be suffering from dain bramage! 
Help pick opening song for my film
Welcome back, Kubla. The talent fee on these romantic songs are probably more affordable.Windswept - Bryan Ferry (Boys and Girls CD)For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her - Simon and Garfunkel (Art Garfunkel song on Parsley Sage Rosemary and Thyme CD)... 
Turntable suggestions?
Thanks everyone for the advice and feedback. I'm going to take my time to do a lot more research and listening. Sean, a friend of has the Sota Star Sapphire and loves it.Peace,Ross 
Turntable suggestions?
I was thinking, I'd like to start out with a complete set-up with possible the exception of a cartridge. What I heard at The SHOW and CES was hooked-up to such an array of different equipment and cables, that I know it would be difficult to judge ... 
Non Audiophiles are funny people
I've had a few friends and family who think I'm nuts for spending so much $ on a stereo system, when they can't tell the difference between their ($500-$1,000) system and mine ($35,000-$40,000). But I always chuckle when they hear a cd on mine tha... 
Speakers for small listening room
One of the best sounding small speakers I've ever heard are the Dynaudio Contour 1.3 SE. Someone has a pair for sale on audiogon for $2345. They sell for $3500. If there's anyway for you to hear these speakers, I know you'll be impressed. 
Power amplifier for NHT 2.5i speakers?
I used to own NHT 2.5i's and found the Plinius SA100MKIII amp with a Audio Research LS16 (tube) preamp was a nice match. It softened the brightness of the NHT's without diminishing the detail that these speakers are exceptional at retrieving. 
Any tricks to keep cats away from speaker grills?
Excellent idea, Ezmeralda. However, I agree spraying them with a water works very well. Years ago I was breeding and handraising double yellowhead amazon parrots. My cats were very "interested" in the babies. We hid behind the curtains and used a ...