
Responses from ronboco

Isolated ground in dedicated room/new construction?
@jea48  Do you mean the romex from the panel to the outlets should not be in close proximity to the romex from the panel to the lighting switches? Thanks   Ron  
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?
@plaw  The FR30s aren’t a bad sounding speaker. Nice and clean even cranked up. The bass wasn’t to my liking but it might be the room. I didn’t buy because I had already purchased Rockport  Avior ii before the FR30 was available to listen to. I j... 
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?
@plaw  I was at ps audio listening to the fr30 a month ago and the only requirement is a mask. Rockport speakers should be a must audition on your list as well. Good luck!    Ron   
Help Building an Audio Room
@jo1mtb  One other point. I think you can get great sound out of an almost square room. It all depends on how you build it. That’s where the expertise like Jeff has becomes invaluable. My room has no drywall on the inside of the room and I utiliz... 
Help Building an Audio Room
@jo1mtb  I highly recommend you contact Jeff at hdacoustics. He specializes in smaller rooms and it would be well worth your time to get a design quote. His prices are very reasonable. My room is almost the same size as yours with a shorter ceili... 
Speaker upgrade
@johnss  I am curious now and will look into what is used in my Aviors. Which brand of speakers uses the components you are talking about?  Happy listening ! Ron   
Speaker upgrade
@johnss  I have a hard time believing my Rockport Avior ii speakers have any cheap parts although I didn’t delve that deep into it. The outstanding reviews and comments on here and WBF were enough for me.   
A/B Comparison On A Pair Of Moderately Priced Streamers
Get the node and add an external LPS and a separate DAC.   
To pricey
I heard the B&W speakers with McIntosh amps at Axpona and they sounded excellent. But if you are considering another brand listen to some Rockport speakers. Superb in every way. Good luck!   Ron   
Room correction room system vs ears….
Take a look at the Sumiko Master Set speaker positioning method you might find it helpful. Good luck !  
Butcherblock Acoustics "feet" effecting sound and isolation
Those discs the spikes sit on should have a rubber disc glued to the bottom of it so that should offer some isolation. Blind testing would be the best way to see if something works or not.   
How much is about the recording
@russ69  What does the noise suppression in garden in the rain sound like? I just listened to it and nothing sounded odd to me. Is it throughout the whole song ? I have Rockport Avior ii speakers with a Boulder 866 int. Incredible detail and clar... 
Cost break down of hifi system
@kota1  Building the room was a lot of work but well worth it. Happy listening!   Ron   
Cost break down of hifi system
@kota1  Thank you. I do have Rockwool in the ceiling joists and all walls. The ceiling also has 2 layers of 1/4 inch pegboard and 2inch rigid fiberglass. The walls behind the speakers just have 1/4 inch pegboard on the studs. The other three wall... 
Sonus Faber Lumina 5 vs Klipsch Forte IV
Just get a pair of Rockport speakers and your search is over. Good luck!