
Responses from rolloff

Gallo Reference 3 stand bracket question
Barry, there may be a lesson here. If Anthony's that disorganized, maybe you should hold a pair of stands in reserve for him. Still, I can't imagine why he wouldn't have a pair permanently in his possession, as they do complete the speakers so wel... 
I love my Vandersteen's but . . . . . . . .
I had a pair of vandersteens for about twenty years too. I now have the Gallo ref 3's. I love them, and they seem to be able to rock out with gusto. I've got the little sub amp attached, so there's no problem with base. Priced in the used market t... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Never mind. I found the Record Research cleaning fluid at the Music Direct web site... 
Record-playing Rituals?
Does anyone have the web address for the Record Research fluid?Thanks,Dave 
Can I hook up two amps to the same speaker?
In case anyone else stumbles across this thread, as I did, I just talked to a friend who's a former Bruce Moore engineer, and he confirmed, even with the tube amps off, the transformers will send a high AC signal to the plate and screen grids on t... 
Can you be an audiophile if ...
Hmmm,Sounds like the couch may be a secret tweek. I'd have to move it out of the room to find out though. Then again, the other definitions may apply as well. More money spent on software, or hardware? It may be a toss up. One of the problems is f... 
Can I hook up two amps to the same speaker?
Interesting thread. I actually do this with my set up, without a switch box. So far, no problems noted. I've got the Gallo sub amp hooked up to the secondary voice coil input speaker terminals, and my tube amps connected to the primary voice coil ... 
Drying sand in the oven- anyone try it?
I paid $3.75 a 50 lb bag of kiln dried #30 sand at Home Depot. YOu'll spend more in Gas or Electricity, I think, drying it in your oven. Of course, you could always spread it out in your back yard on a sunny day. If it's not too windy that is... 
Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon
BMAD stuff. Bruce Moore Audio Designs. My Custom M120's are the only pair I've ever seen advertised here, and I bought them. ;_) 
And now for something completely different....
I think a price of $19.95 might make it worth purchasing as a gag gift. $120.00 could be spent on some more software instead. 
20 amp dedicated lines
I'll weigh in on the side of eliminating your long speaker runs. It was actually Richard Vandersteen who convinced me to switch to longer interconnects, and shorter speaker cables. He said, "we're talking over a long interconnect now, aren't we?" ... 
Black Diamond Racing Coneon Gallo Reference3
Just as an FYI. I finally got this all set up, if anyone ever views this thread. I think the BDR cones works great. Just what I wanted, and a nicely anchored sound too.David 
Ah Njoe Tjoeb Not Playing CDR's
Thanks,I'll get the number and pass it on to my friend...Anyone else? 
SME lV arm upgrades?
That's what I'm working on now, though I've also emailed Elaine @SME to see what's invloved in getting a damper. 
SME lV arm upgrades?
Thanks Nsgarch