
Responses from rolloff

Cambridge Audio 840C
I've got an 840C. I've actually posted about it on the missing thread, and this thread. Don't know why my posts have not shown up, or why the threads about the 840c go missing? Some other company trying to squelch the enthusiasm for this player?An... 
SACD King under $7500
Tvad,Too late, I already have a vinyl rig. It works wonderfully. Your thread exists elsewhere. I also own many CD's and SACD's. They're not dead. I'm upgrading my player, when I get some useful input. 
SACD King under $7500
Wow, this thread seemed to go nowhere. Too bad, as my search for it was an attempt to get the answers you were seeking. I'm looking at the Marantz 11-S1 myself...Maybe someone has an opinion who has actually heard a few of these? Any one compared ... 
Album which you have listened to most?
As stated before, hard to narrow it down to 3. Off the top of my head I'd say:John Mayall, USA UnionLed Zep, IPaul Simon, GracelandTha's all without even venturing into Jazz or Classical, or... 
Clipping and the pre amp...
Your membership to the club is always guaranteed as long as your dues are paid up. I accept checks, cash, and credit cards.Seriously though, SPL's are dependent on so many variables. Humidity, elevation, proximity to the speaker. Perceived volume ... 
Clipping and the pre amp...
Actually, I'm not having any problems at all. I was only wondering, at the beginning of the thread, about the mechanics of clipping.The "overload problem" you mention is one I've not heard of in association with AR gear. It works well for me though. 
Clipping and the pre amp...
I guess the answer then is, that if the gain is turned down, and the volume turned up, it's the same thing as if I had the gain on high and the volume at low, to the amplifier. Therefore, no clipping. This seems to be the logical explaination? 
Clipping and the pre amp...
Sounds like a chicken and egg thing. In this case we know, you can't have an increase in the SPL's without increasing the level on your gain or your volume switch/knob. 
Top ten tube amps
Hmm,I may not make a complete the top ten list, but somewhere in it I will put a shameless plug for my Bruce Moore Custom M120 Mono blocs. Citation transformers do the trick. They can be run in Triode mode as well as Ultralinear. I'm keeping them.... 
tonearm questions
Nsgarch and Doug, thanks for both your replies above.Doug, actually it was Nsgarch who suggested the damping trough. He must have forgot too. It was in a previous post I instigated regarding possible upgrades for my SME lV, sometime in December of... 
tonearm questions
Doug, Thanks for your reply. I have been very carefully placing the stylus onto the lead in spiral. I'll try your suggestion of placing the stylus in one of the first grooves instead.Also, call me stupid, but I always figured that anti skating wor... 
tonearm questions
Nsgarch,,As always, thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge. I got the damper, mainly as it give me the ability to more easily adjust the VTA. I'll look at the article you posted. Interestingly, I use a Thorens Q up for lifting the arm at th... 
tonearm questions
Nsgarch,I've got an SME series lV arm (on an Oracle MK V table) that I just purchased a fluid damper for. I don't really know how old the arm is? How should I go about determining if I should send it back to SME for service and new wiring? Any sug... 
Does size really matter? :-
David,In the light of day, after rereading your and Rauls prior posts above, +++++ "attributable more to the different profiles of the styli rather than their absolute size? " +++++ I see, as I suspected last night, that this point was addressed. ... 
Does size really matter? :-
Hmm,It's late at night, and I can't verify that I read every word of every post above, so apologies if I missed someone else pointing this out, but the dimensions of the stylus is nearly irrelevant. Only the tip of the stylus enters the groove. Se...