
Responses from rodman99999

What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
AMEN! "At the end of the day"; the only thing that matters, as regards whatever we’ve done with (or to) our systems, is satisfying our own ears.        It’s just the incessant dogmatism and, "trust me" mantra, of the Naysayer Doctrine preachers, t... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
Not often that one hears or reads a witty, grammatically correct, correctly spelled usage of the word, "segue", either!         At least; not in Indiana. 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
@cakyol- With all due respect (in all earnest), regarding all that electronics experience, education, EE Degree, etc: KUDOS for your dedication to your profession.        But: is the part where WE are supposed to trust your ears, in the New or Old... 
LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"  was Shakespeare's way of saying, "SO triggered"! 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
Then: there are those that will waste their keystrokes, on the endless, vapid preaching of the Naysayer Doctrine.      Ya just gotta believe their faith-based religion, or suffer their ubiquitous diatribes. 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
@lemonhaze - Not to be contentious, but; Scientists couldn’t explain why Bumblebees could fly, with the Science (Physics) of the day.     Once Fluid Dynamics hit the scene; they figured it out.      I’d used that exact illustration, to explain the... 
LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality
Brains?    They don't need no stinking brains! 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
" i would hate to see you cry if you understood how electricity works."                                                No one, "understands" exactly how, "electricity works".      That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY.       The number of W... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
If you buy into the 'Naysayer Gospel'; you're a, "chump" (and/or damned), if you're so deceived, as to think you can trust your ears and mental capacities, to determine whether your system sounds better, with a different fuse.     Of course; a 30 ... 
How much space between cables is enough?
The power cables will create the strongest electromagnetic interference and the speaker cables will be the least affected.     Your interconnects will be creating the least EMI (carrying low voltages and current), and the most sensitive to interfe... 
6922 tube
I could completely ignore this brand of discourse, but for one nagging feeling.     The thought that someone, just getting into tubes, might buy into this naysayer nonsense and be deprived of the greatest thing about valved gear.     ie: A greatly... 
6922 tube
Not when they’re trying to be Pope.      They’re never wrong!     Ya GOTTA believe their religion. 
What other hobby...
I started to say, "sex", but- with all the new, designer diseases out there, it’s now more of a spectator sport.       SO, yeah- porn and Harleys, +1 each.       Then again; I have known people that made collecting diseases SEEM like their hobby! ... 
6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
You’re talking about an eBay seller:      "Why would he lie about it?"      Hilarious!        Provide a quad of unmarked, NOS original SEDs and the same, of the later Sovtek version, to install in my monoblocks (a quad each) and bring your wallet.... 
6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
Resurrected an 18 year dead thread, so you can respond (to yourself, repeatedly) about everything sounding the same?       The only thing, "the same" about the Svetlana 6550, that’s been made by Sovtek since SED’s St Petersburg (Winged =C=) plant ...