
Responses from rodman99999

Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
       "My guess is you would chew through the math pretty easily."     Funny, you'd say that!    It was the Math that chewed me up, in Physics.    I pretty much suck; as regards remembering formulae.     Still: figuring out how and why things w... 
Why is science just a starting point and not an end point?
       I've mentioned elsewhere, on the 'GoN: If the world's best inventors, throughout human history, hadn't ignored, "scientists", naysayers and scoffers (such as some of those, above): we'd still be living in a relative Stone Age, with respect ... 
New power tubes lacking low end and slam
     If the original tubes sound better, when swapped back in and properly biased*; the new ones just need some time to catch up and: it's nothing upstream (ie: signal tubes).      Brent Jessee mentions 50 hours or so, of listening/burning, as a... 
Embrace The Joy Of Microphonic Equipment
          So many ways to season one's sounds and please one's aural palate.                                             What a great hobby!  
Embrace The Joy Of Microphonic Equipment
       The same reason that some have swapped out quieter resistors, in their phono, preamp and amplifier circuitry, for carbon compositions.   Or: choose Paper-In-Oil for coupling capacitors.   Then: there are those British small-signal valve l... 
Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
"The bulk of the scientific evidence supporting my faith has developed in the past fifty years in sciences such as Information Theory, Astrophysics, and Molecular Biology that were in their infancy half a century ago." ETCETERA, ETCETERA, ETCETE... 
Returning to audiophilism after 20 years: a little guidance would be nice :-)
      "...the good old days when I was enjoying music on audiophile equipment and being able to hear the soundstage depth, lively pianos and guitars..."     This is just how I looked at digital vs vinyl, through the first years of digital:      ... 
Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
"BTW, some of you can't help yourselves in applying cynical religiously related analogies. I'm not so soft that I can't take it. But, remember, it can go both ways. I hope you will show the same grace if the tables are turned sometime.  :)"     ... 
Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
                        "I must tell you I have great hearing. So there is that to consider."      BUT- according to the Naysayer Church's, "Laws" (commandments); "Thou shalt not EVER trust your own twisted mind, lest you be deceived."       Obv... 
Amplifier Break-in - It's Real
             "Read my articles "Audiophile Law:" =  "TRUST ME!" *    Many (if not most) of us are familiar the fruits of Atmasphere's aural acuity, experimentation and creativity.     What significant offerings, for the furtherance of our listen... 
Music for setting up speakers
       Sorry OP, but facts are facts and when someone takes them to task... 
Music for setting up speakers
@fiesta75-                               "...but he's accurate for initial setup."             I've always done the same (whether in my own home, or a customer's) far as initial setup, but: there's no way Pink Noise and a mic can predict the re... 
Little Constellation ever sold used
     All of their gear is more expensive than a majority (except for the well-healed) are willing to spend and none: any less than state-of-the-art, regarding SS and sound quality.                                  The first factor limits their m... 
My Apologies to Miller Carbon
@jpwarren58:       "Would be interesting for him to post a list of all the tweaks he tried that didn't work."                                  #1 in Feynman's Rules of Life:                                See failure as a beginning.  
Music for setting up speakers
@muphythecat-                                        "what?"                            You're OBTUSE!