
Responses from rodman99999

Is this my Imagination? Shunyata Hydra 6 Delta and some power cords transformed my system.
                       If it IS your imagination; you must have a DAMNED GOOD ONE! 
I need a source for high quality capacitors at wholesale
@autospec -    Look around you (IF you live in the USA).     Society in general has gone to the dogs, because of all those fomenting division, by their tolerance*, sensitivity and inclusiveness* rhetoric.      It's endemic, affecting attitudes a... 
Impressions of PS Audio GCPH
@markschvarts-  Are you experiencing that hum, with the input cables both attached and detached?      If detached: at what position of the dial, does it become audible?      If anything below full volume (or thereabouts); I'd contact PS and requ... 
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@mijostyn- "By all means get yourself a bigger room:-)"       Actually: the property values have skyrocketed, in my neighborhood, as have the property TAXES, of course and I have a buddy in the realtor biz, who's going to list mine.        How ... 
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@mijostyn- If you still have that TacT, DAC output board: chances are 99 out of 100; it was one of the surface mount caps, that went South.  It'sthat exact failure, those in the know about Tact, check first.      It was when one of mine did th... 
Money Well spent
@millercarbon: Here’s a digital punch in the arm (re: Synergistic).                          YOU OWE ME A COKE!     Well: I figure within two minutes, in here, is pretty close, anyway.     Especially, the way I type (ie: Columbus Method/discover a... 
Money Well spent
@geleary:     Here's a suggestion, Sarge.      Try something from these guys, which will allow you to test various cables, for a fraction of the cost of buying and returning.       Don't know your price range or system, but: if you call them an... 
Money Well spent
@geleary:     Based on the way you've described your service; I'm guessing you passed through Nha Trang, once or twice and have been places we Americans never were? 
Money Well spent
@geleary123 aka: Sgt  ge leary   USMC:          Situational awareness training, as you certainly MUST know, has kept MANY breathing, above ambient temperature and on the green side of the dirt!.        
Money Well spent
@petg60- PLEASE, don’t even go there!     I’m still using an old fart style, Motorola Razr (flip phone).                                         OUCH!     I don't even turn it on; unless I intend to PLACE a call (WAY too much robo and spam).  
Money Well spent
     To clarify, "... cut a piece to the same width of the outlet..." should have been, "...cut a piece, the same width as the double duplex cover plate...".      AND: the parenthesis after Romex: should have been a comma, since the Spelling, Gr... 
Money Well spent
     I believe Spell* + Grammar Checker for English, both to be available on the Net, wherever one lives.                  *That's what all those little, red squiggles, you must have jumping off the page are about, geleary123.      Perhaps, in s... 
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@mijostyn- "What makes you believe the Tact does not go below 20 Hz?"    I MEANT* to say: I cut off at 20Hz, in the program.        Lower would be a waste of of amplifier power, in my current room, given the dimensions and my phono pre has a sub... 
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@rauliruegas -        I understand, perfectly!      "Curiosity" has killed this old cat's wallet, many times over, in as many scenarios.                                 "Not any more"...INDEED!  
Gimbal vs unipivot tonearms
@mijostyn-   If you're still using the TacT; have you upgraded the power supply?   If not: get the highest (Watts) output supply that Mean Well now offers (I haven't kept up with their offerings, of late), replace the regulator with something be...