Responses from rodman99999
Tube amps have a signature sound My contention here would be that the square wave, being an irritant and obnoxious to the listener, might be PERCEIVED as louder. Same reason most people would get "listener fatigue" sitting in front of a system with a lot of IM distortion. Ah- OK:... | |
Damping factor or watts? Not exactly INefficient though, are they? So tell me: Were you, by any chance, using any kind of auto-xformer between the OTLs and your speakers? Gotta keep digging for factors here before I give up any ground! | |
Damping factor or watts? Atmasphere- I've based my belief in my understanding of electro-magnetic fuction and Newtonian physics. Inertia= When a body is in motion, it tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Yes- the music signal from the amp is driv... | |
Damping factor or watts? I'd bet the farm that those rooms utilized speakers of high efficiency and extremely low mass. Can you be more specific(amps/speakers)? There are a lot of designs out there that cater to the SET lovers for instance. Speakers that(by design) don't ... | |
Damping factor or watts? Atmasphere- I'm re-reading your posts in these forums and trying to get a handle on your resistance to the idea of damping factor and speaker control. In another thread you advised the poster to avoid his "very long" speaker wires because his syst... | |
The Anatomy of the Acapella Violon - shocking find Amfibius- I believe you misunderstood the purpose of the DQLP-1. It's not an EQ, it's a high-pass/low-pass filter that will allow you to drive your woofers with a separate amp. This will free your main amp of the burden of reproducing bass freqs, ... | |
Damping factor or watts? Atmasphere- The URLs that I mentioned above contain sites and papers written by engineers in the fields of audio and electronics. Are we to believe that their understanding of damping factor as it relates to speaker control is wrong,and you are ri... | |
Tube amps have a signature sound Odd ordered harmonics have absolutely nothing to do with loudness or SPLs.( ( They WILL give you a massive headache however... | |
Tube amps have a signature sound I've been listening to live music as a sound tech/engineer since the late 70's. My experience has paralleled that of the reviewers in Stereophile, The Absolute Sound, FI, and most other "high-end" rags. Tubed equipment just sounds more like live m... | |
Damping factor or watts? It's interesting how those three different URLs came out with the same "wikipedia" addy in the post! Hlgoh- The main point is: Don't be confused by peoples' opinions. Most only have those and not much in the way of truth. Do the research, and make... | |
Damping factor or watts? While Back EMF is not completely irrelevant in this discussion, I didn't feel it warranted inclusion in the definition. For a better understanding of "damping factor", see these: ( Particularly pg 1, par... | |
Damping factor or watts? Damping factor is is an amplifier's ability to control a woofer's motion after the drive signal has ceased. For example: if you drive a loudspeaker with a bass drum whack, the woofer's inertia and resonance in the enclosure will cause it to keep m... | |
Accidental improvement in Type in "acoustic foam" on eBay's search bar. There's a Canadian company making Auralex knock-offs(the original is also avaiable there). Their 2" X 24" X 24" squares, and Bass traps(just like the LENRDs) do wonders for room acoustics. They can be ... | |
crackling noise at high volume What destroys tweeters is almost invariably amplifier clipping. The tops of the waveforms are clipped off by a lack of voltage in the power supply, and the result is a squarewave or(almost)DC arriving at the tweeter that fries it. That happens whe... | |
Bose 901...really That's all that Bose ever had going for it: marketing hype. The whole concept is a lie. As a Sound tech: I'm familiar with a lot of music venues. Everyone that I've ever been to that sounded worth a nickel had sound treatment behind and along the ... |