
Responses from rodman99999

Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
Mr L- I've got a pair of the TungSol round plates, and a pair of Sylvania 6SN7W(tall bottle) in my Carys. Rest assured: You won't find anything current that can come close(or anything better, NOS). From that and the choice of Teles- You must appre... 
Can a 5z4 tube be a metal bottle?
Either of those would be good. Mullard made some nice ones too. 
Mullard 12AX7 10M gold pins vs. steel pins
The European versions of the 12AX7(ECC803/ECC803S/E83CC) usually had the gold-plated pins, thicker or triple mica, matched triodes and were better built for longer life/lower noise(the "S" indicated "select" and they were especially quiet and bala... 
Question about set amps and low sensitivity spkrs
I agree with both Mr N and mr T: You won't hurt the SET at all listening to your B&W's. You may even be surprised by the levels it can achieve(though I wouldn't get too ambitious). Just don't try to match the SPLs the Arcam delivered. It'll st... 
Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
Newbee- I've really been happy with my BAT since day one, and wouldn't trade it for anything but maybe the right Lector, or a Linn CD-12(yeah right!). The tubes are in a buffer circuit and, Yes- the piece can be flavored per someone's tastes. Pers... 
Can a 5z4 tube be a metal bottle?
I tried to respond yesterday, but my post didn't make it. YES- the 5Z4/CV1864 was manufactured with a metal envelope as well as glass. The CV1863 and CV2748/CZ30 were both designed to power up to 40 watts as well, and will replace it. 
Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
I've owned a BAT VK-D5 for the past 6 years, and the sound has changed markedly(although it's never sounded disappointing) with various tubes I've had in it(no simultanious system changes)!! That's exactly why I won't have it upgraded to the SE ve... 
I walked into a dealer and got a shock....
Your Blackbird's compliance at 12x10-6Cm/dyne is considered at the high end of low compliance. Your RB300 tonearm's mass is 11.5gm, which is at the very low end of what's considered "moderate mass". The two should be a very good match up with rega... 
Burning in a new DAC
Interesting concept Tiger. The output of a tuner is analog, and most stations don't broadcast pink noise. Krell is correct, and there are some CDs available specifically for burning in components. I use this often on my system, playing the pink, b... 
Biamping B&W 802 with Musical Fidelity and Bryston
Here's a pro amp that some of the contributors in here are in love with: ( It sports level meters, gain controls and 250WPC. That should give you the flexiblity to match the highest powered tube amp you... 
How can I improve my system
Edorr- I should have noted: Your treatments don't have to be as expensive as what's on the site I mentioned. If you type "acoustic foam" into the search bar on eBay, a ton of treatment alternatives will come up. To find your primary reflection poi... 
How can I improve my system
Edorr- Peruse some of the info on this site for enlightenment: ( Enjoy the experimentation! 
Biamping B&W 802 with Musical Fidelity and Bryston
Alexv- Unless your amps have identical gain and sensitivity, your frequency response is going to be skewed. Anyone that understands freq. response will understand that it will be skewed in favor of the section receiving the higher gain. IE: If you... 
The Definition of An Audiophile
Nickspicks- KUDOS: A man after my own heart. I couldn't have stated it any better(though I've tried)! 
Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?
An extra "H" got in that first URL. Here's a correction: (