
Responses from rodman99999

sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
You might also look for amps that are built with oil/paper caps in the signal path. Those lend the sound that you are searching for as well. 
sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
Funny- I've been rolling NOS tubes in my amps for decades without one issue. Happy searching! 
sweet, euphonic, reasonably powerful tube amp?
What 6550's are your using in to VT-100? Some are brighter than others. have you tried lowering the bias slightly? That will also take a bit of edge off. If the amp were either the MK I or II, I'd suggest rolling the 6922's into a Mullard or Brima... 
Cable Management
Enjoy your music Mr J! 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
Not a problem Mr Z. When I got my last ones, four came from W. Germany and two from Argentina. They've functioned perfectly for me. The seller of the pair I showed you posted complete specs, and good pics which are confidence builders in my book(o... 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
AH- Something else I forgot to mention about the CCa's: They are a 10,000hr tube(as are the E188CC's), which makes them a bargain with regards to longevity and musicality. You'll note the writers that say the CCa is "too thin" never mention the vi... 
Cable Management
By all means follow the advice given by Mr PTM! That wisdom has been around for as long as I've been in audio/sound reproduction(over 30 years). NOT ALL NOISE IS CONSCIOUSLY AUDIBLE. That's why the differences power conditioners make are sometimes... 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
BTW: Should you choose to go with tubes other than the CCa's, which were factory screened/selected for low noise already: Be certain that whatever you get is certified pre-amp grade. Any tube noise will be magnified exponentially if used in your B... 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
That estimation of price for a pair of CCa's would be correct. I've got six in my BAT VK-D5, and they were worth every penny. When a tube can affect the equivalent of a major equipment upgrade (vis-a-vis musicality): I'd have to say it's worth see... 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
I should have mentioned: If you do consider the CCa- Make certain to buy NOS from the 60's, with the dull grey plate beneath the getter support. If it has a shiny plate, or date code plate inside, it's from the later production and will singe your... 
Best 6922 tubes for BAT VK300x ???
The "best" are the Siemens CCa's. Their E188CC/7308's are no slouches either. Of course- Telefunkens are way up there on the list also. We're talking transparency, extension(both directions), dynamics, liquidity, imaging and sound stage(ambience r... 
On good sounding inductors
Be certain that the inductors used are of the same impedance as what they replace, or you will change the response curve of your system. 
Biamping B&W 802 with Musical Fidelity and Bryston
A fast slew rate would be nice as well. That will lend more definition to your lower octaves. Actually, between 100hz and 400hz, there's a whole bunch of music present. Baritone thru Soprano, trumpet, piano, cello, french horn, sax, a lot of percu... 
Which amp to Bi-amp my Maggie 20.1
I once thought as Mr R does, then it occured to me that the vast percentage of the music actually is in the mid-range(250hz and up)and therefore sucks up the most power. As both of your amps are SS: I'd recommend the larger(IF it is the cleaner, m... 
Very budget bass only amp with gain control?
Not yet, but the next time I do a pro install I will be. I've used quite a few Behringer pieces in my sound tech work(especially the last 10 years). For the money- you can't beat the stuff. Every install I do, I insist on a DEQ 2496 to curve the r...