
Responses from rodman99999

Audio Magic Power Cords
Mr M- How many hours of burn-in did you allow before critical listening began? The Stealth XXX has to be powered quite a while before it performs well at all. 
Wise audio aphorisms
For those that can hear the difference: No explanation is necessary. For those that can't: No explanation is possible. 
Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
Apparently you didn't read my previous post. That junk on eBay(it IS a PR, not just parts or a "cap") WILL NOT perform properly with your system(or anyone else's, unless they just get REALLY lucky). Bite the bullet and buy the passive radiator tha... 
Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement
Mr Z: The size and weight of a passive radiator is determined through a formula based on the Theil/Small parameters of the woofer and the volume of the enclosure. There are other factors involved, but basically the radiator takes the place of the ... 
Happy modding Tom! 
Look at this chart and find the conductivity of lead compared to the other metals of which various solders are comprised. Is it any Wonder that, WBT and Eichmann(silver bearing) solders would be more transparent? ( 
Recommended 12au7/5814s for Atma-sphere MP-3
You may find some of these observations useful:( I've tried the top 8 tubes on the Chimera list. The RCA, Raytheon and National Union VT-231's(... 
I prefer not to "hear" my solder- Use WBT or Wonder! 
bi amping question
What 6SN7's are you employing in your amps, and what type of sound do you enjoy(clean, detailed, dynamic or warm, tubey, relaxed, etc)? 
Xindak Fuse Question
Given the lack of quality exhibited by anything from china(not capped intentionally), I would certainly NOT be inclined ADD anything they offered to my audio equipment. It seems the only thing they're good at over there is counterfeiting(anything ... 
bi amping question
Mr F- Yes, you can. That's the way it's done when a passive(or active) external crossover is not employed. The output voltage of the pre will be split between the amps. To be done with proper results in this configuration- both amps should be iden... 
BAT VK75 vs. BAT VK75SE - which is more euphonic?
You mentioned that you like a "tubey" sound. By purchasing the SE version you will be restricted to the sound of the 6H30(6H30P, 6H30P-DR/EV/EB) tube, which I've never heard described as "tubey". If you were to opt for the VK-75, you would have a ... 
Quicksilver and 6SN7 pre
BTW: That's not me selling those! 
Quicksilver and 6SN7 pre
If you want open/detailed sound(without glare) with 6SN7's: Try a NOS pair of 40's TungSol JAN CTL/VT-231/6SN7GT, bottom gettered, round plates(not the mouse eared ones) or 40's Sylvania JAN CHS/6SN7W, tall bottles(the short ones stink). The Sylva... 
leave power on?
What Jax2 said X 4!