
Responses from rodman99999

Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
     I have but one word, to express my personal view as regards the Church of Denyin'tology and it's obfuscating, classically (possibly: willfully) obtuse adherents:                              floccinaucinihilipilification                    ... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
In that the author states: A relatively short length of cable shows no measurable transmission line effects for low frequency signals. But if the cable is long enough (or the frequency components of the signal are high enough), transmission lin... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@bruce19 -      Some of us have had the blessing/experience of being heavily involved with the production and recording of live sound, in a multitude of venues, over decades.      Having recordings that one has personally made, can generate high... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@holmz -      Maxwell's equations weren't wrong, but: there's much more involved*, when we're dealing with retaining a plethora of frequencies/voices (instrumental and vocal), ambient/room information (height, width, depth) and placement of the a... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@holmz - "what is the more modern theory that you are alluding to?"      Read my 08:03pm post (that you quoted at 10:14pm) for clues.        
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
@holmz -        I have no doubt that there are many using cables as tone controls, which simply goes to show: cables CAN/DO make a difference in reproduction.       However: everyone I know that uses high-end cables, regardless of position in th... 
Cable design is a lot like creating a pizza
"To the wire fanatics it is a faith-based religion with zero scientific backing. "      The Church of Denyin'tology holds to the faith-based religion.      ONLY: well practiced at projection and cognitive dissonance!      I have Physics/QED (... 
Silver Speaker Cables
  @lectronjh50-        KUDOS: for having the awareness of your own possible misconceptions, enough scientific curiosity to actually experiment, trust in you own senses/mental capacity to recognize reality and temerity to post your findings.    ... 
Bang & Olufsen launches Beosound Balance in Natural Aluminium
                              Just MY opinion, of course!  
Interconnects - better before preamp or after preamp?
@jumia -      BAT VK-D5 CDP to TacT RCS 2.2X pre = KS1130 Kimber      TT to phono pre = Tricon Analog SR      phono pre to TacT = KS1030 Kimber      Tact to Cary SLM 100 main amps = Tesla Apex SR*      Tact to Hafler 9505 sub amp = Gold Eclip... 
Interconnects - better before preamp or after preamp?
Every component, including cabling will degrade the signal to some degree. NO component can “improve” the signal and the best we can hope for is that the component will degrade the signal as little as possible, Of course, how much any one compone... 
Apt Holman preamp: can balance Phono 1 but not Phono 2
          You're welcome.       Again: HOPE it helps!  
Apt Holman preamp: can balance Phono 1 but not Phono 2
     The Apt is a great preamp.       Out of curiosity: when was the last time the electrolytics were gone through/replaced?       Not that those would affect the balance issue, but: the pre is somewhere around 40 years old now.        Regardin... 
Why don't we tire of music?
                                 Think about it!      Aren't we all the happiest, when we're doing things that have no purpose, but to make us happy?      This treatise* (at about 00:08:30), speaks of music's purposelessness, but few will grasp ... 
15 ohm speakers yea or nay?
I believe that many will find that linked article worthwhile.                                              I hope so!      The article's SS section should be of interest to those with bridged, stereo amps (being used as monoblocks), when looki...