
Responses from rodman99999

Better sound
Hi Larry- Regarding, "better": Like I said in my first post; it's a matter of preference(completely subjective) and YMMV. By all means: experiment! If I had exposed hardwood; it would just have to suffer(a matter of priorities)! Metal under spikes... 
Better sound
Hi Shakey- If he were thinking of raising them several inches, I'd have to agree(beyond already agreeing with your recommendation to experiment). 
Better sound
Mr T- Stillpoints dealers are supposed to have demo pieces avaiable, for your audition. The Stillpoints are excellent for electronics and isolation from extraneous vibrations. They would not, however, couple a speaker cabinet to the floor, help dr... 
Better sound
"Just be aware that anything you put under the speakers that is taller than the existing spikes is going to alter the sound by moving your ears out of the vertical sweet spot." Interesting! How do you know the OP's ears are IN the, "vertical sweet... 
Kevin gets the
Mr M- Had those tubes been defective; they would, no doubt, have been replaced. I could be wrong, but- I don't believe any tube vendors offer a return, based on customer's tastes, or the way the tubes(NOS or new, anyway) sound in their system. At ... 
Better sound
As much as I like Auralex products; anything you place under your main/full range speaker, that allows the cabinet to move, will blur imaging and smear transient detail. Spikes are best(solidly anchoring cabinet/draining vibrations), generally adj... 
Kevin gets the
Based solely on my experience with their tubes; the quality, testing procedures, knowledge base and customer service, of Upscale, are second to none. Kevin's attitude, at times, less so. Whether he has the juice, via his many ad $$$, to coerce TAS... 
Radiotechnique 12AU7/ECC82/6189 Sonics
That's the branch of Philips Holland, that manufactured tubes in France. Some of the best(small plate) were made in the late 50's. They made another 12AU7WA(longer plate), around 1965, that was nice tube also. Either should prove cleaner and more ... 
Power line noise from appliances
Have you tried a power regenerator/conditioner, or just, "conditioning?" There's a big difference. If you are averse to that suggestion: Either turn the HVAC off, during your listening sessions(what I do) or get an isolation transformer. You will ... 
Fuses that matter.
MY BAD; I meant to say, "One might replace a Slo-Blo fuse with a fast blow type...." Sure would be nice, if this, "IMPROVED" site, still allowed for editting a post. 
Fuses that matter.
"No doubt some boutique fuse manufacturers are just supplying the same product for both fast and slow, but that's another story." On what are you basing that assumption? One might replace a fast blow fuse, with a time delay type, BUT- it would be ... 
Top resistors
Not having experimented with resistor directionality; I have no opinion regarding validity. However: I can't help but notice; in every picture the tester has his fingers on the body of the resistor and not touching either lead. no doubt; it would ... 
Top resistors
OOPS- Make that Ohno CONTINUOUS Casting. BTW: I'll bet that the Bulk Foil and Nude Vishays, or Caddock Precision Films, would not show as dramatic a directionality, if at all. 
Top resistors
The typical O-Scope probe has a ground wire(with an alligator clip), that connects to the side of it's insulator body. The heavily protected(insulated) retractable hook probe, then can be connected to any lead, within(say) a component's chassis, f... 
Top resistors
OK- In 40yrs of electronics; I've never heard the term, "Crocodile clip." Now- having looked it up, I suppose it was inevitable that someone would coin the phrase. The rest of my post stands pat.