

Responses from rodge827

DNM Stereo speaker cables-experiences?
I have been using the DNM Stereo cables and HFTN IC's for sometime now. They replaced Crimson and Audio Consulting Solid Silver and Cryoed speaker wires. Everything that Mapman and Gnobber (cool moniker BTW) has written is spot on. Top to bottom c... 
DAC 3-4k range
Will you be upgrading the 2.1 that you have to a 4.1? or will you be selling the 2.1 and buying a whole new unit? 
best "bookshelf" speakers for nearfield listening
I'm using Shelby + Kroll Nano Monitors. They are designed to be used as sound board monitors and sound awesome in the nearfield. If you do a search and go to the web site scroll down the home page and use the menu at the bottom. I bought these to ... 
And, we keep on searching for speakers, ..
What Newbee said....+1He described it perfectly! The best I ever heard was at a close friends house with electronics that he custom built to fit his horn speakers. I listen to his system on a regular basis and have come pretty close in my own sys... 
Replacement for RA Opus 21 CDP
Look into the Abbington Music Research (AMR) CD 77 and CD 777. Good luck,Rodge 
Can Anyone Recommend a Good Speaker ?
Check out Shelby+Kroll Monitors and matching sub $2500.00. Clean, clear and perfect toneful bass with highs and mids to match. If you go to the site click on the menue at the bottom of the page Rodge 
What Integrated Amps have the sonics of Separates?
I'm very happy with my ATC SIA2-150. I went from tubes to this integrated and feel that I haven't missed a beat. There are some great reviews out there. Do a search and read for yourself. They are all true. 
Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?
Al,Your assumption is correct on the addition of jitter with a converter, no argument there. I was going to rely on the Dual Core to handle the jitter.Assuming that bit errors do not occur, and I would expect that they would not occur with any dec... 
Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?
In any event, I think we're both agreed that the choice of a converter is less critical than what the OP appears to have been envisioning. And that reports of experiences with particular converters need to be considered in the context of the jitte... 
Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?
The Dual Core is designed to work with analog, computer, and digital input.Here is DSPeaker's reason for using optical rather than coax as taken from the FAQs page: Q: Coax s/pdif (RCA) sounds better than optical tosink in our ears and due to the ... 
Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?
Dg1968, The question that I asked was if anyone has any experience using a converter. I didn't expect another question and a milk toast diatribe on Dac purchasing or system implementation. Have you used a Coax to optical converter? If not then mov... 
Coax to Optical Converters Anygood?
Trucker, Thanks for the response. My transport is a 47 Labs Flatfish that has been upgraded with a super clock and BG caps. My hope is to find a converter that will compliment it and not loose the magic that it produces.Thanks again. 
Audio note Dac question
Fc911c,Sorry for the late response. I'm not sure of the values of the caps as I did not build the dac. Since I suck with a solder gun, I had the dac built by a friend who has the same unit. He is very "secretive" about what he does, and therefore ... 
Looking to change my amp, need help?
Hi,I have been using an ATC SIA2-150 ($4300.00) in my system since last spring and am very happy with it. It has pre-outs for dual sub or amp use, remote, tape loop, and 5 inputs. Class A/B and is highly biased into class A for the fist 50w or so.... 
Audio note Dac question
anyone else on the AN Dac??YesI had a very tricked out 2.1b Signature AN Kits Dac. AN silver outputcaps,6922 tubes, upgraded BG caps on the digital board, and seriously upgraded BG caps on the M2 power supply board. I had the Dac for about two yea...