
Discussions rocky1313 has started

cabasse 320 m36862
VANDERSTEEN 2C or CABASSE 321 M3 question9065
JBL D123 Power question6152
Speaker OHM's and AMP question6645
sansui fr 3060 or toshiba sr 807342
JBL d123 crossover yes or no ?9244
Do JBL D123 ( 16 OHM's) Speakers need a Crossover ?8105
Cartridge question243324
TECHNICS 1700 MK II or AR -XA or Reco kut - N 33H8281
Vintage 1980's Fisher MCE 4050 Audio component system question8691
Vandersteen 2 C speakers with 4 OHM Amp question8106
Vandersteen 2C Grill and Power Amp questions5665
EICO Tube Amp HF 14...Transformer question8604
PBN montana xp speakers or B&W matrix 801 s3 ?7092
Emotiva P 100 Pre Amp and A 300 Amp: Questions5391