
Responses from roberjerman

10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts
This is what Herb Reichert wrote in Listener back in the days of yore: "Wire is like a condom. If it works, it is fine. If not ...".  All you wire maniacs should pay heed to this!  
Help with cartridge
The 103S has a white body with a red line on the front. And sold new for $180 back in 1977! 
Old school vs new school audio???
Forget KHorns - dreadful! Get Sanders Electrostats with the Magtech amp. Drive it directly from a streamer/DAC! 
A queston of Classe', or other amps
Why waste money? Get a Crown XLS1502 amp. 525 wpc/4 ohms! $439 from Crutchfield, Parts Express and others with free shipping. Don't fall for the bs that only expensive boutique amps are worth using! 525 wpc is certainly enough for the 3.7's! And y... 
Help with cartridge
A Denon 103D with a new stylus/cantilever (Shibata, Microridge, Hyperelliptical ...) would be the most cost effective. And a formidable contender against present day cartridges! 
Help with cartridge
That cartridge is a Denon 103D. Low-output mc with an elliptical stylus. I have one in my collection. Excellent sound quality! Alas, no longer in production. Send it out for a new stylus/cantilever.Or buy a new Hana LS (low-output Shibata stylus) ... 
Are all red book cd transports created equal?
+1 George! 
Album info
Terre Haut Indiana is the pressing plant. Remastering was done elsewhere. 
~$6K mini-monitor recommendations?
What do you expect to get that the Kef LS50 can't deliver? I think you will just be throwing money away.  
all tube phono preamp creating a crackling, fire-like sound
Bad interstage coupling cap. Send unit back for repair! 
long lasting cart
+1 melm! Stylast can certainly reduce stylus wear and extend life! Same principal as applying oil to a drill tip. 
Just got a pair of Dahlquist D-10s. Does an SAE A205 have enough power?
Yes, the SAE will work well with the DQ10. Excellent sound quality! I am a collecter of SAE and have a nice equipment rack's worth of various preamps and power amps. Nowadays a largely forgotten company! James Bongiorno of GAS, Sumo and Spread Spe... 
Any still using the Dahlquist DQ-10 speakers?
I have a pair I bought about 3 years ago. Presently in storage due to lack of space. Found from an EBay seller nearby. Cost: $375. Nicely restored: new caps and silver wiring, new woofer surrounds, new walnut side pieces, grill cloth and stands. B... 
Hafler 3300 crackling in one channel
Get a multimeter and check for DC at the speaker terminals.  
Need advice with Koetsu Black Goldline
Try increasing tracking force to 2.5 grams. Also tonearm may be too light for the low compliance Koetsu. This will result in a resonance above 8 hz. Bad for tracking non-flat LPs.